(a)   When, in the opinion of the Police Chief, it is necessary to expedite the flow and direction of traffic, to eliminate congestion on streets, alleys and highways, and to provide for the safety of passengers in motor vehicles and pedestrians, the Chief is authorized and directed to make and issue rules and regulations concerning:
      (1)   The number, type, location of traffic control devices and signs;
      (2)   The regulation or prohibition of parking on streets, alleys, highways or public property;
      (3)   The regulation of the right of way at intersection of streets, alleys and highways;
      (4)   The regulation or prohibition of turns at intersections;
      (5)   The creation, abolition and regulations of through routes and truck routes;
      (6)   The creation, abolition and regulation of pedestrian cross walk and safety zone;
      (7)   The creation, abolition and regulation of bus loading in unloading zones and business loading zones;
      (8)    The creation, abolition and regulation of traffic lanes and passing zones;
      (9)   The regulation of the traffic on streets, alleys and highways in the creation and abolition of one way streets.
   (b)   Any and all rules and regulations made and issued pursuant to and in accordance with this section shall become effective after each and every one of the following conditions have been complied with:
      (1)   Written notice shall be given to, mailed to or personally served upon the President of Council, and
      (2)   Upon the erection of proper signs and markings giving notice thereof, and
      (3)   Written notice given to, mailed to or personally served upon those persons in the Police Department having control of the official Traffic Control Map and the official Traffic Control File.
   (c)   However, any rules and regulations made and issued hereunder by the Chief of Police shall be effective for a period not to exceed sixty days.