(a) In order to control sediment pollution of water resources, the owner or operator shall be responsible for developing an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan. The owner or operator shall also obtain an Ohio Environmental Protection Agency NPDES Storm Water General Permit and shall abide by its requirements in addition to an approved Erosion and Sediment Control Plan from the Community. In situations of conflict between OEPA requirements and Community requirements, the most stringent requirement shall apply.
(b) If the construction site is subject to Ohio EPA’s NPDES General Permits, a copy of all the required inspection sheets shall be submitted to the Community within two (2) working days of the date that the inspection was conducted.
(c) The Erosion and Sediment Control Plan shall be certified by a professional engineer, a certified professional erosion and sediment control specialist, or a landscape architect registered in the State of Ohio.
(d) The Erosion and Sediment Control Plan shall incorporate measures as recommended by the most current edition of Rainwater and Land Development utilized by OEPA and shall include the following information:
(1) A project description including the type and purpose of soil disturbing activities and a description of the larger common plan of development if applicable.
(2) A vicinity sketch locating the site, and the larger common plan of development if applicable, and all pertinent surrounding features including wetlands, streams, steep slopes, and other sensitive areas receiving runoff from the development area on or within 200 feet of the site.
(3) The name and location of the immediate receiving water resource and the first subsequent named receiving water and the major watershed(s) in which the project is located.
(4) The existing and proposed topography shown in 1' contour intervals for flat areas and 2' contour intervals in steeper areas.
(5) The location and description of existing and proposed drainage patterns and facilities, including any related drainage facilities beyond the development area and the larger common development area. Drainage patterns during major phases of construction shall also be shown as appropriate.
(6) Existing and proposed watershed boundary lines, direction of flow, and watershed acreage.
(7) The types and locations of soils with or affected by the development area, including unstable soils as determined by the most recent edition of the Lake County Soil Survey and/or field investigations performed by NRCS/SWCD personnel, a professional engineer, or a professional soil scientist. The Soil Survey and interpretive assistance can be obtained from the Lake SWCD.
(8) The scheduling, phasing, and coordination of construction operations and erosion and sediment control practices, including vegetative plantings and mulch.
(9) Erosion and sediment control practices to be employed on the development area, including:
A. Their location and size, including detail drawings, maintenance requirements during construction, and design calculations, all where applicable.
B. The type and amount of temporary and/or permanent seed, fertilizer, and mulch to be used.
C. Settling ponds drawn to scale and including dimensions.
D. Detail drawings of sediment control practices.
E. Limits of clearing and of soil disturbing activities.
F. The name, address, and contact information of the Person responsible for the continued maintenance of the erosion and sediment control practices.
(10) A soils engineering report, when required by the Community Engineer, based upon his/her determination that the conditions of the soils is unknown or unclear so that additional information is required to protect against erosion or other hazard, shall be based on adequate and necessary test borings, and shall contain all the information listed below. Recommendations included in the report and approved by the Community Engineer shall be incorporated in the grading plans and/or other specifications.
A. Data regarding the nature, distribution, strength, and erodibility of existing soils.
B. If applicable, data regarding the nature, distribution of strength, and erodibility of the soil to be placed on the site.
C. Conclusions and recommendations for grading procedures.
D. Conclusions and recommended designs for interim soil stabilization devices and measures, and for permanent soil stabilization after construction is completed.
E. Design criteria for corrective measures when necessary.
F. Opinions and recommendations covering the stability of the site.
(Ord. 02-30. Passed 8-1-02.)