The Board of Health shall exercise general supervision over the public health of the Village and shall make diligent examinations into all matters affecting the same. They have full power and authority to take all steps and use all necessary measures to promote the cleanliness of the Village. Said Board shall have the following duties with regard to the above:
(A) They shall cause all nuisances to be abated or removed on public or private property, which they deem prejudicial or obnoxious to the public health.
(B) They shall make such sanitary regulations deemed necessary or expedient to prevent the introduction or spreading of any contagious, malignant or pestilential disease.
(C) They shall require that every practicing physician shall report to the President of the Board or to some member of the Board of Trustees every case of smallpox, scarlet fever, measles, cholera or any other infectious or contagious disease which may assume a malignant character, which he may be called upon to attend, and that such report be made within twelve (12) hours after the physician shall have examined and discovered the character of such disease.
The orders of the Board of Health shall be certified by the Clerk of the Village to the Village President who shall cause the same to be executed by the Chief of Police or some other Village officer. (Ord. 8, 8-6-1947)