It shall be the duty of the Arts Commission to develop a plan for the promotion of the arts and cultural events in the City and to make recommendations to the administration and City Council on the implementation of arts programs and community events.
(a) The Commission shall support and conduct events and entertainment which celebrate the City of North Olmsted, identifying potential and necessary resources to ensure programs and events are conducted in a manner that is enjoyable, safe and environmentally sustainable.
(b) The Commission shall approve all art purchased, commissioned, or accepted as a gift by the City, as well as all art proposed for placement anywhere within the public right-of-way or on property owned or leased by the City. Commission approval is also necessary before any art subject to their approval can be in any way altered or removed.
(c) The Commission shall support and assist City departments and divisions in the organization of community events and facilitate communications amongst organizers, media and participants.
(d) The Commission shall develop programs and events within the City that will support the community and its businesses and that will bring the City and surrounding communities together.
(Ord. 2013-32. Passed 4-16-13.)