There is hereby created a Division of Aging within the Department of Recreation and Public Engagement. The Division of Aging shall be headed by a full-time Senior Center Administrator. The Administrator shall be appointed by and be answerable to the Director of Recreation and Public Engagement.
(a) Duties. The Administrator shall have charge of the day to day operations of the Senior Center and shall supervise the Outreach Coordinator, Maintenance, the Activities Coordinator and the Title III-C Program Manager. The Administrator shall perform such other duties as required and directed by the Director of Recreation and Public Engagement and additionally as set forth in the job description on file within the Office of Director of Human Resources.
(b) Employees. The staffing of the Division of Aging is hereby established and is reflected in the organizational chart for the Department of Recreation and Public Engagement contained in Section 145.99(d), which, as it pertains to this Division only, is incorporated herein as if fully rewritten.
(Ord. 2022-3. Passed 1-4-22.)