(a)   General Definitions. 
      (1)   Westshore Regional Community Emergency Response Team (herein WSC). The WSC shall hereinafter refer to and serve as a regionally sponsored volunteer organization as a unit of the City of North Olmsted Department of Public Safety and the Westshore Council of Governments, operating through its designated finance director and fire chief, and the WSC Coordinator. The organization and structure of the WSC shall be subject to the review and approval of the Westshore Council of Governments and will substantially comply with the organization and structure recommended by FEMA, the State of Ohio, Cuyahoga County EMA, and be compatible with the National Incident Management System.
      (2)   "Westshore Council of Governments (herein WCOG)" or "Westshore Council of Government city/cities" shall refer to the cities of Bay Village, Fairview Park, Lakewood, North Olmsted, Rocky River, and Westlake.
      (3)   Designated finance director and designated fire chief shall refer to the public officials charged with authority by the WCOG to supervise and direct WSC activities.
      (4)   WSC Coordinator shall refer to that WSC member or volunteer that plans for and engages in volunteer activities, as directed by the WCOG and its designated public officials. WSC Coordinator shall propose a budget to the designated finance director and may be authorized by WCOG to solicit funding in the form of grants or donations. WSC Coordinator shall propose a training and activities or event calendar to the designated fire chief and may be authorized to schedule same.
      (5)   WSC Activation or deployment refers to those occasions when the WSC volunteers are contacted and invited, pursuant to the procedure herein, to perform voluntary emergency response activities in conjunction with an actual emergency. WSC volunteers may also be engaged in training activities, which are likewise permitted, but the term or phrase "activated" and/or "deployed" shall be limited to those situations when WSC is officially called or invited to provide volunteer emergency response to the public.
         (Ord. 2012-117. Passed 12-18-12.)