In the buildings of more than two occupied floors, smoke barriers shall be installed in any corridor more than 150 feet in length, or at intervals of not more than 150 feet. Smoke barriers and doors therein shall be of noncombustible materials or wood doors conforming to the Ohio Basic Building Code. Swinging doors shall be used and where normally kept in the open position shall be equipped to be closed manually and with smoke actuated devices; otherwise such doors shall be self-closing. They shall close the opening completely with only such clearance as is reasonably necessary for proper operation.
   When, upon inspection by the Bureau of Fire Prevention, such buildings are found lacking smoke barriers as required by this section, the Chief of Fire shall order the owner of such facilities to submit plans and specifications to the Fire Prevention Bureau for installation of such barriers; and shall order the installation according to the approved plans. Such plans and specifications shall be submitted within three months of receipt of such order and the installation of the smoke barriers shall be completed within one year of receipt of such order.
(Ord. 96-105. Passed 7-2-96.)