The number of candidates for the office of Mayor, President of Council, Director of Finance, Director of Law, and Council-by-Ward at any regular municipal election in the City shall be the two (2) candidates on the primary election ballot receiving the highest number of votes at the primary election. The number of candidates for the office of Council-at-Large at any regular municipal election in the City shall equal the number of candidates filing a valid petition for the nomination of a candidate for the Office of Council-At-Large. The filing deadline for such petition for nomination of a candidate for the Office of Council-At-Large shall be the ninetieth (90) day before the primary election date as established in Charter Article IX, Section 3.
   In case there shall not be more than two (2) persons who shall have filed petitions for the office of Mayor, President of Council, Director of Finance, Director of Law, and Council-by-Ward, as provided for in this Charter, then said persons shall be the candidates at the regular municipal election and the primary election for the office not exceeding two (2) persons shall not be held. All persons who shall have filed petitions for the office of Council-at-Large as provided for in the Charter shall be the candidates at the regular municipal election.
   Anyone who has not properly filed a petition for the appropriate primary election as provided for in this Charter, shall be ineligible as a designated candidate in the regular municipal election. (Amended 11-3-15.)