The Council may authorize expenditure of funds of the City in amounts exceeding those provided for from time to time by the general laws of the State of Ohio governing municipal corporations without public bidding for the acquisition of real estate, for the discharge of non- contractual claims against the City, for personal services, for the joint use of facilities or exercise of powers with other political subdivisions, for the product or services of public utilities (including those Municipally operated), and during real and present emergencies in order to immediately provide for the health, safety and welfare of the residents of North Olmsted, but no other expenditure of more than that provided for from time to time by the general laws of the State of Ohio governing municipal corporations shall be made except pursuant to contract made with the lowest and best bidder after public advertising and receipt of bids in the manner provided by ordinance.
Purchases by the City through a State Purchase Program established pursuant to Section 125.40 or other provision of the Ohio Revised Code, where the State has conducted competitive bidding and awarded State contracts to successful bidders, shall be deemed to satisfy the requirements of this section for expenditures to be made pursuant to contract and with the lowest and best bidder.
The City may enter into contracts for expenditure of funds pursuant to a design-build selection process as may be established by the general laws of the State of Ohio or as such process may be authorized by ordinance approved by two-thirds vote of City Council. For purposes of this section, design-build contracts as a form of competitive bidding, which shall consider both qualifications and costs, shall be deemed to satisfy the requirements of this section for expenditures to be made pursuant to contract and with the lowest and best bidder.
(Amended 11-2-10.)