The Civil Service Commission shall prescribe, amend, and enforce rules for the classification of offices, positions, and employment in the Civil Service of the City; for examinations and resignation therefor; for appointments, promotions, removals, transfers, lay- offs, suspensions, reduction and re-instatement therein; for appeals to the Commission; and for standardizing positions and maintaining efficiency therein. Therefore, positions under the Civil Service Commission shall be divided into Classified and Unclassified Service.
   A.   The Unclassified Service shall include:
      1.   All officers elected by the people.
      2.   All directors of departments.
      3.   The members of all boards or commissions appointed by the Mayor or the Council.
      4.   The Clerk of Council and the secretary of the Civil Service Commission.
      5.   Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, Division Heads, and Assistants to Division Heads, except the Police Chief and Fire Chief.
      6.   All unskilled laborers.
      7.   Three secretaries, assistants or clerks to the Mayor, one (1) secretary to each Director or Department Head, and all temporary part-time office help.
   B.   The Classified Service shall comprise all positions not specifically included in this Charter in the Unclassified Service.
      (Amended 11-5-85.)