All legislative action by Council shall be by ordinance or resolution introduced in written or printed form. An affirmative vote of at least a majority of the members of Council eligible to vote shall be required for the passage or enactment of every ordinance or resolution. Every ordinance or resolution shall be read at three different Council meetings, provided that this requirement may be dispensed with by a two-thirds vote of the members of Council eligible to vote if a written or printed copy of the ordinance or resolution shall have been furnished to each member of Council prior to its introduction. Ordinances and resolutions shall be deemed to have been read if the title thereof is fully read, provided that at the request of at least two members of Council such ordinance or resolution shall be read in full.
No ordinance or resolution shall contain more than one subject matter, which subject shall be clearly expressed in its title, and no ordinance or resolution shall be revised or amended unless the ordinance or resolution superseding it contains the entire ordinance or resolution so revised or amended or the section or sections so revised or amended, and having been revised or amended the original ordinance, resolution, section or sections thereof, shall be expressly repealed.
All ordinances, resolutions, statements, orders, proclamations and reports required by law or by this Charter or by ordinance to be published or posted shall be posted in only one place, namely the City Hall, and for a period of not less than fifteen (15) days prior to the effective date thereof. An emergency ordinance or resolution shall also be so published or posted as aforesaid, but said requirement for posting or publishing shall not postpone the effective date thereof as provided in this Charter. (Amended 11-2-65.)