In a Multiple Residence (Apartment) District, land may be used and buildings or structures may be designed, built, altered or used only for the following permitted uses:
(a) Any use permitted in the least restrictive One and Two Family Residence District, and Single Family Cluster (SFC) District, contiguous to any part of such Multiple Residence (Apartment) District, but subject to all conditions contained in the Zoning Code relating to such Districts;
(b) Apartment dwellings.
(c) Any and all uses and restrictions permitted in Chapter 1138.
(Ord. 97-121. Passed 2-17-98.)
In a Multiple Residence (Apartment) District, a detached community garage providing no more than the storage space for two motor vehicles for each dwelling unit located on the same lot is permitted, provided no part of the same is nearer than sixty feet to the street line upon which the apartment dwelling fronts or nearer than forty feet to any other street line, and further provided no repair facilities may be maintained within the same and no repairs except of a minor or emergency nature are made therein.
(Ord. 90-125. Passed 5-21-91.)
In a Multiple Residence (Apartment) District, one, two and single family cluster dwellings shall conform to the applicable requirements for such districts set forth in Chapters 1135 and 1136. Any apartment dwelling unit shall contain a minimum livable floor area of not less than 660 square feet for a one bedroom apartment unit and 750 square feet for a two bedroom unit.
(Ord. 90-125. Passed 5-21-91.)