No person operating a public dance hall or a teen dance club, or any agent or employee of such person shall:
(a) Permit any known prostitute, male or female procurer or vagrant to enter into or remain upon the premises of the dance hall or teen dance club;
(b) Permit on the premises any person having in his possession or being under the influence of, selling or offering for sale, giving away, or drinking any intoxicating liquors or drugs;
(c) Permit idlers, loiterers or other hangers-on to be on or about the premises;
(d) Permit smoking at public dance halls except in rooms reserved for smoking or in a restaurant or dining room when seated at a table;
(e) Permit gambling in any form on the premises;
(f) Permit men to enter the ladies’ room or parlor, or women to enter the men’s room;
(g) Permit moonlight dances unless there is sufficient light in the dance hall so that the patrons can be easily seen;
(h) Discriminate between sexes by offering free admission to either sex as inducement to stimulate attendance;
(i) Permit endurance dancing contests commonly known as marathon dances;
(j) Permit danging in restaurants with persons seated at different tables.
(Ord. 2006-48. Passed 3-7-06.)