The application for a teen dance club license shall be denied by the Director of Public Safety if the report submitted therewith shows that any of the persons named in the application (including supervising adults for teen dances) have previously been connected with a public dance hall or a teen dance club where the license has been revoked, or where the place sought to be licensed has been the source of repeated incidents or a pattern of disorderly or criminal conduct, or has otherwise substantially interfered with public peace or good order in the neighborhood, or where any of the provisions with reference to public dance halls or teen dance clubs have been violated, or if the place sought to be licensed as a teen dance club does not comply in every way with the regulations, ordinances and laws applicable thereto. In addition, if it is determined that any person named in application (including any adult supervisor for teen dances) has been convicted within the last ten years of any felony, or any misdemeanor drug or alcohol offense, corruption of a minor or child endangering offense, domestic violence, or assault offense, or any crime of moral turpitude, the license shall be denied. (Ord. 2006-48. Passed 3-7-06.)
(a) Any applicant whose application for a teen dance club license is denied shall be notified in writing of the denial by the Director of Public Safety. Such applicant may appeal the denial to a Board of Appeals comprised of the Mayor or his designee, who shall act as Chair of the Board of Appeals, the Director of Public Service and the Director of Community Life Services. A written request for an appeals hearing shall be submitted to the Director of Public Safety within ten days after receipt of the application denial notice.
(b) The Director of Public Safety, upon the recommendation of the Chief of Police, or as a result of his own investigation may suspend or revoke the teen dance club license issued to any person, society, club, firm, organization, corporation or other legal entity, under the provisions of this chapter, where the place so licensed has been the source of repeated incidents or a pattern of disorderly or criminal conduct, or has substantially interfered with public peace or good order in the neighborhood, or because any person named in an application has been convicted of a felony, drug or alcohol offense, corruption of a minor or child endangering, a crime of moral turpitude, or for a violation of any provision of this chapter. Any person, society, club, firm, organization, corporation or other legal entity, whose teen dance club license has been suspended or revoked by the Director of Public Safety, shall be notified in writing of the suspension or revocation by the said Director. Such person may appeal the revocation to the Board of Appeals created in subsection (a) hereof. A written request for an appeal hearing shall be submitted to the Director of Public Safety within ten days after receipt of the license revocation notice.
(c) The Board of Appeals, so herein established, shall hear any appeal, pursuant to subsections (a) and (b) hereof, within thirty days from the date the request for appeal is received by the Director of Public Safety. The Board shall have the power to sustain, modify, or reverse the decision of the Director of Public Safety. The Board’s decision shall be in writing and sent to the appellant/applicant or his/her legal representative, within fifteen days after the hearing is concluded. The decision of the Board of Appeals shall be considered a final administrative order, appealable to the Court of Common Pleas pursuant to the provisions of Chapters 2505 and 2506 of the Ohio Revised Code.
(Ord. 2006-48. Passed 3-7-06.)
(a) The non-pro-ratable fee for a teen dance club license shall be five hundred dollars ($500.00) per year.
(b) The term of such license shall be from April 1 of each year through March 31 of the following year, unless revoked pursuant to this chapter.
(c) Every application for a renewal of a teen dance club license shall be submitted to the Director of Public Safety on such form as shall be prepared by the Director not earlier than sixty days but at least twenty days prior to the expiration date of the said license.
(Ord. 2006-48. Passed 3-7-06.)