All persons employed as peddlers shall:
   (a)   Be at least eighteen years of age;
   (b)   Be regular employees of the person selling the frozen desserts;
   (c)   Wear clean, washable outer garments or uniforms disclosing the name of his employer thereon;
   (d)   Maintain themselves in a clean and personable condition and free from contagious disease;
   (e)   Keep and maintain a food establishment permit issued through the Health District authorities;
   (f)   Make application for a permit from the Safety Director and display an approved permit in each vehicle;
   (g)   Make payment of one hundred dollars ($100.00) per vehicle on an annual basis from January 1 through December 31, effective January 1, 1988;
   (h)   Carry a minimum of three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000) bodily injury and property damage insurance. The peddler shall exhibit to the City evidence that such insurance is in effect.
      (Ord. 87-44. Passed 6-2-87.)