(a)   No owner or occupant of abutting lands shall fail to keep the treelawn and driveway apron in repair and free from litter, trash, debris or any other nuisance or hazard.
   (b)   For any parcel of land zoned and used for commercial or multi-family use, all damaged or deficient treelawns or aprons or curbing serving such parcel determined to create a hazardous or nuisance condition by the Director of Public Service, shall be repaired or replaced. A hazardous condition shall include vertical displacements in excess of two inches relative to adjacent aprons, curbing or treelawns. A nuisance condition may include broken aprons or vertical displacements in excess of one inch, but not more than two inches, relative to adjacent areas. If a new apron is built, or an existing apron is abandoned or altered, all curbing in the frontage of the parcel that is found by the City Engineer to be deficient or damaged shall be replaced full depth.
   (c)   Whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.
(Ord. 97-44. Passed 10-7-97.)