§ 156.020 DISTRICTS.
   (A)   The city is divided into zoning districts. The zoning districts established are each separate and distinct and are designed to assist in carrying out the intents and purposes of this chapter.
   (B)   The districts are established as follows:
      (1)   R-A, Residential Agricultural District;
      (2)   R-1, One-Family Dwelling District;
      (3)   R-1S, One Family Dwelling, small lot;
      (4)   R-2, One and Two-Family Dwelling District;
      (5)   R-3, Limited Multiple Dwelling District;
      (6)   R-4, Multiple Dwelling District;
      (7)   B-1, Neighborhood Business District;
      (8)   B-2, Community Business District;
      (9)   B-3, General Commercial District;
      (10)   CBD, Central Business District;
      (11)   I-1, Planned Industrial District;
      (12)   M-1, Light Industry District;
      (13)   M-2, Heavy Industry District;
      (14)   TUD, Transitional Unzoned District;
      (15)   OR-1, Office-Residential District.
      (16)   P-1, Public Use District.
(1975 Code, § 11.04, Subd. 1) (Am. Ord. 213, passed 3-18-2002)