The Community Development Director may administratively approve the relocation of platted lot lines provided:
   (A)   All the requirements of Chapters 155 and 156 are satisfied and no substandard lots are created;
   (B)   The applicant submits an application for an administrative lot split;
   (C)   The applicant submits a certificate of survey of the replatted properties to be recorded at the Nicollet County Recorder's Office by the applicant;
   (D)   Should any lot adjustment require the vacation of any platted utility easement(s), it will be the responsibility of the applicant to petition for the vacation of any utility easement(s);
   (E)   Should any existing above or below ground utility need to be relocated as a result of a lot line adjustment, the applicant is responsible for any associated costs;
   (F)   Any relocation of a lot line(s) requires new property monuments to be installed by a licensed surveyor; and
   (G)   Any relocation of lot lines shall not affect more than 3 lots.
(Ord. 133, 4th series, passed 10-5-2020)