(A)   Homeowners' Association required. A homeowners' association or similar organization must be created if the PUD includes common open space.
      (1)   The common open space must be permanently restricted to the uses specified on the final development plan, either by:
         (a)   Assigning covenants, to be approved by the North Mankato City attorney, restricting the common open space to its designated purpose and providing for long-term maintenance in a manner that assures its intended purpose.
         (b)   Placing conservation easements on the open space that restrict the open space to its designated purpose and provide for long-term maintenance that assures its intended purpose. The easements shall be held and managed consistent with Minnesota Statute.
      (2)   The applicant shall submit all required homeowners' association documents to the North Mankato City Attorney and planning staff 2 months prior to final plat approval and must include the following:
         (a)   Ownership and membership requirements.
         (b)   Articles of incorporation and bylaws.
         (c)   Time at which the developer turns the association over to the homeowners.
         (d)   Approximate monthly or yearly association fees for homeowners.
         (e)   Specific listing of items owned in common, including such items as roads, recreation facilities, parking, common open space grounds, and utilities.
         (f)   Management plans for items owned in common.
(Ord. 65, 4th Series, passed 3-2-2015)