§ 156.102 DENSITY.
   In any planned unit development the maximum number of dwelling units allowed shall not exceed the density identified for that site in the Comprehensive Plan, except as noted below.
   (A)   Consistency with Comprehensive Plan goals. Density increases inconsistent with the zoning code may be allowed if the proposed development can be demonstrated to better meet Comprehensive Plan goals, objectives and policies.
   (B)   Optional waiver of lot size, setback requirements. Zoning and subdivision standards relating to lot size and setbacks may be modified when a PUD is submitted for approval. Increased residential densities and open space areas may be subject to additional design conditions that are necessary, in the judgment of the City of North Mankato, to meet Comprehensive Plan goals.
   (C)   Minimum lot size for single-family homes. Up to 40% of single-family detached home lots in a single development may use reduced lot areas. Lot areas must have a minimum of 4,000 contiguous square feet of buildable area. Buildable area must be unencumbered by setbacks, public easements and other physical constraints (such as topography or similar features).
(Ord. 65, 4th Series, passed 3-2-2015)