(A)   Purpose. The OR-1, Office-Residential District, is designed and intended to provide for medium-high density development at strategic locations and encourage an optimum mix of office, institutional, and residential uses.
   (B)   Permitted uses. Except as specifically limited herein, the following uses are permitted in the OR-1, Office-Residential District. Every use, unless expressly exempted below, shall be operated in its entirety, within a completely enclosed structure, including the storage of materials, products, and equipment:
      (1)   Child daycare facilities. Playgrounds may be unenclosed.
      (2)   Churches or places of religious worship, parish houses, rectories, and convents.
      (3)   Clubs and lodges, not including the accessory sale of food or alcoholic beverages unless permitted by a conditional use permit.
      (4)   Community centers.
      (5)   Dental and medical clinics and laboratories.
      (6)   Dwellings, one-, two-, and multiple-family.
      (7)   Libraries, museums, auditoriums, art galleries, or other cultural institutions.
      (8)   Music studios.
      (9)   Nursing homes and assisted living facilities.
      (10)   Office condominiums.
      (11)   Parking lots (need not be enclosed).
      (12)   Professional service offices.
      (13)   Rehabilitation centers for handicapped persons.
      (14)   Schools, public and private elementary, middle, and secondary.
      (15)   Public utilities and essential service utility facilities and structures.
   (C)   Conditional uses. Except as specifically limited herein, the following uses may be allowed in the OR-1, Office-Residential District. In addition, every use, unless expressly exempted below, shall be operated in its entirety, within a completely enclosed structure, including the storage of all materials, products, and equipment:
      (1)   Bed and breakfast establishments;
      (2)   Emergency shelter;
      (3)   Government institutions;
      (4)   Mixed use development.
   (D)   Minimum lot size. The minimum lot area in the OR-1, Office-Residential District, is 10,000 square feet.
   (E)   Minimum lot frontage. The minimum lot frontage in the OR-1, Office-Residential District, shall be not less than 100 feet.
   (F)   Yards and setbacks. The minimum yard and setback requirements for the OR-1, Office-Residential District, are as follows.
      (1)   Front yard setback. All buildings and parking: A minimum of 30 feet.
      (2)   Side yard setback. All buildings and parking: A minimum of 10 feet.
      (3)   Rear yard setback. All buildings and parking: A minimum of 25 feet.
      (4)   Transitional yard. A transitional yard shall be provided anywhere a lot line in the OR-1, Office-Residential District, abuts a Residential District. The depth or width of the required transitional yard shall be equal to the depth or width of the required yard on the property located in the abutting Residential District. A transitional yard shall not be required to be more than 20 feet in depth or width.
      (5)   Utility sheds. Utility sheds shall not be allowed in the required front or side yards. Utility sheds may be located in the rear yard, provided the building is located at least 5 feet from any rear or side property line. Utility sheds shall not exceed 120 square feet of floor space and shall be located a minimum distance of 10 feet from any existing structure.
      (6)   Garages. The total amount of garage floor square footage for single- family dwellings shall not exceed 1,200 square feet.
      (7)   Curb openings. The maximum allowable curb opening measured at the property line shall not exceed 24 feet for all residential uses and 32 feet for all other permitted uses.
      (8)   Screening/berming. All parking areas shall be either screened by use of trees or shrubs or by the use of berms.
   (G)   Maximum ground coverage. The sum total of ground area that may be covered by all structures located on a zoning lot in the OR-1, Office-Residential District, shall not exceed 60% of the lot area.
   (H)   Maximum building height. The maximum building height in the OR-1, Office-Residential District, is 45 feet. Accessory structures shall not exceed 1-1/2 stories in height or 22 feet.
   (I)   Minimum structural requirements. The following shall be minimum requirements in the OR-1, Office-Residential District:
      (1)   All structures used for residential occupancy shall have a minimum width of 20 feet at the structure’s narrowest dimension and the structure shall be affixed to a continuous permanent perimeter foundation constructed of concrete block, poured concrete, or wood. All structures, either principal or accessory, shall be constructed in conformance with the Uniform Building Code;
      (2)   A private garage, attached or unattached, with a minimum floor area of 440 square feet shall be required to be built concurrent with each single- or two-family dwelling constructed after the effective date of the ordinance set forth in this chapter.
   (J)   Signs. The following shall be minimum requirements for signage in the OR-1, Office-Residential District.
      (1)   The use of signs to identify non-residential buildings shall be limited to either ground signs or signs attached to buildings. Pylon signs are not permitted. The placement of any ground sign is permitted only at the entrance side of the building.
      (2)   The total amount of signage allowed for any single occupant building is 80 square feet. For each additional use within a multi-occupant building, an additional 20 square feet of signage is allowed. The maximum size of any ground sign is limited to 50 square feet.
      (3)   The minimum front yard setback for a ground sign shall be 5 feet from any front property line or 16.5 feet from the curb line, whichever is greater. The minimum side yard setback for any ground sign shall be 10 feet measured from the property line.
      (4)   The maximum height of any ground sign measured from the nearest top back of curb shall be 8 feet.
      (5)   In addition to this division, all signage shall conform to the North Mankato Sign Ordinance.
(Ord. 213, passed 3-18-2002; Am. Ord. 248, passed 12-20-2004)