(A)   There shall be and there is hereby established for the use of and the service rendered by the waterworks system of the town, the schedule of rates and charges, based on the use of water supplied. Rates and charges to users whose meter installation is outside the corporate limits of the town shall be 150% of the rates and charges fixed. The rates herein approved shall provide for a reasonable return on the water utility plant of the town and such other legal and necessary expenses as provided in I.C. 8-1.5-3-8.
      (1)   Usage per month.
Rates per 1,000 Gallons
Effective 1st Full Billing Period After Adoption
Effective 1-1-2019
Effective 1-1-2020
Rates per 1,000 Gallons
Effective 1st Full Billing Period After Adoption
Effective 1-1-2019
Effective 1-1-2020
First 3,000 gallons
Next 6,000 gallons
Next 12,000 gallons
Next 29,000 gallons
Next 150,000 gallons
Over 200,000 gallons
      (2)   Minimum charge. Each user shall pay a minimum charge in accordance with the following applicable size of meter installed, for which the user will be entitled to the quantity of water as determined in the above schedule of rates.
Size of Meter
Effective 1st Full Billing Period After Adoption
Effective 1-1-2019
Effective 1-1-2020
Size of Meter
Effective 1st Full Billing Period After Adoption
Effective 1-1-2019
Effective 1-1-2020
1-3/4 inch meter
1 inch meter
1-1/2 inch meter
2 inch meter
3 inch meter
4 inch meter
6 inch meter
      (3)   Fire protection service.
Effective 1st Full Billing Period After Adoption
Effective 1-1-2019
Effective 1-1-2020
Municipal hydrants, per hydrant - per annum
Private hydrants, per hydrant - per annum
      (4)   Private sprinklers.
Effective 1st Full Billing Period After Adoption
Effective 1-1-2019
Effective 1-1-2020
4-inch line
6-inch line
8-inch line
10-inch line
      (5)   Service outside corporate limits. Rates and charges to users whose meter installation is outsides the corporate limits of the town shall be 150% of the rates and charges above. The rates herein approved shall provide for a reasonable return on the water utility plant of the town and such other legal and necessary expenses as provided in I.C. 8-1.5-3-8. The Town Council hereby elects to pay the town from water rates and charges payment in lieu of property taxes as provided in I.C. 8-1.5-3-8.
      (6)   Charges for connection and reconnection.
         (a)   Applications for connection or reconnection to the waterworks system operated and maintained by the town shall complete an application on forms provided by the water utility at its office and shall at the time of application, pay a reasonable fee for such connection or reconnection, equal in amount to the direct and indirect labor and material costs incurred by the water utility in completing the connection or reconnection.
         (b)   The minimum charge for connection of a 3/4" or smaller meter service to the waterworks system shall be not less than $1,671. The minimum charge for demolition of a 3/4" or smaller meter service from the waterworks system shall be not less than $250.
         (c)   The Superintendent of Public Works shall compute the cost on a semi-annual basis, or more frequently if in his or her judgment the costs have changed significantly enough to cause the minimum to fluctuate from the last determined cost by plus or minus 5%, and the cost so determined shall be the minimum charge for connection of a 3/4" or small meter service to the waterworks system.
         (d)   Applicants for connection to the waterworks system for meter exceeding 3/4" shall, at the time of application, pay the greater of the minimum fee or actual cost computed. In the event the actual cost exceeds the minimum connection charge, the excess cost shall be due and payable not later than the due date of the first billing of water service for water provided through the meter.
         (e)   Reconnection charges to the waterworks system shall be determined in amount by the same formula and computations as provided above for connection charge, and until such average cost is determined, a reasonable reconnection charge is determined to be $100.
         (f)   The Department of Public Works shall keep and make available a schedule of rates and charges for service calls. Service calls include, but are not limited to: emergency calls, after hours calls, trip fees, shut off services. A complete list shall be maintained in the office of the Department of Public Works and available during normal business hours.
      (7)   Service installation and tap charge.
         (a)   Service shall be run from the distribution system to a point just inside the property line or fence line.
         (b)   The utility will install a curb stop, meter setting, and meter in the service line outside the property line.
         (c)   The charge for a tap larger than the five-eighths-inch meter shall be the cost of labor, materials, power machinery, transportation and overhead incurred for installing the tap, but shall not be less than the charge for a five-eighths-inch meter tap.
      (8)   Definitions. For the purpose of this section, the following definitions apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
         MUNICIPAL HYDRANTS. All fire protection hydrants, wherever located, not herein defined as private hydrants.
         PRIVATE HYDRANTS. All fire protection hydrants, wherever located, which are placed exclusively for service to nonresidential property or to property exempt from property taxation under Pub. Law No. 47, Indiana Acts of 1975 (I.C. 6-1.1-10-1 et seq.) as now or hereafter amended, and including, but not limited to, the exemption provisions in other laws to which reference is made therein.
   (B)   Checks delivered payable to the town in payment of any debt or other lawful obligation owed to the town or to any unit or department of the town shall be subject to a service charge of $25 if after deposit of the check in or to any account of the town the check is returned to the town by the paying institution marked “NSF”, a stop payment order made by the drawer or is unpaid for any reason necessitating the reversal of a payment entry previously made.
   (C)   Security deposits required from users of the waterworks system:
      (1)    Single-family residential units, owner occupied, with standard residential meter: not less than $100 and not more than $300; Single-family residential units, not owner occupied, with standard residential meter: not less than $150 and not more than $300;
      (2)   Multiple-family residential units where each unit is served through a separate standard residential water meter, not owner occupied: not less than $100 and not more than $300;
      (3)   Multiple-family residential units served through a single standard residential water meter, not owner occupied: not less than $100 and not more than $300 for each residential unit served through the single meter;
      (4)   All other users, the amount calculated by the Superintendent of Public Works which will equal two times the estimated monthly charge which the user will incur based on the size of the meter and the uses planned to occur on the premises which require metered water;
      (5)   Receipt of a meter deposit will be indicated on the initial service application and filed in the Public Works office; and
      (6)   A deposit may be used by the utility to cover any unpaid balance following a disconnection of service; provided, however, that, any surplus shall be returned to the user, along with a statement of accounting for each transaction affecting the deposit, after payment of the final bill.
(Prior Code, Title V, Ch. I, Art. III) (Ord. passed 4-10-1996; Ord. passed 12-5-2002; Ord. passed 2-2-2006; Ord. passed 5-2-2007; Ord. passed 11-5-2008; Ord. 1, 2014, passed 4-2-2014; Ord. 4, passed 8-2-2017; Ord. 1, 2019, passed 4-10-2019)