The following provisions shall be made by the owner(s) and/or operator(s) of industrial facilities which may use, create, discharge or store various materials or components which may be hazardous to the citizens of the town as well as public environmental resources. Permits, licenses and all other approvals and inspection requirements of state and federal agencies, boards and commissions shall supersede the provisions of this chapter only if they are more restrictive than the provisions contained herein.
   (A)   Smoke. For all industrial uses the emission of more than 70 smoke units per hour per stack and emissions in excess of Ringelmann No. 2 are prohibited; except that, for one hour during any 24-hour period this rate may be increased up to 80 smoke units per hour per stack up to and including Ringelmann No. 3 for the purposes of process purging, soot blowing and fire cleaning.
   (B)   Particulate matter. The rate of emission of particulate matter from an individual process within the boundaries of any lot shall not exceed a figure of 0.06 pounds per 1,000 pounds of effluent gas and not more than 50% by weight of particles larger than 44 microns (325 mesh) shall be allowed.
   (C)   Odor. Any activity or operation which releases odors to the atmosphere shall be so controlled as to ensure that it will produce no public nuisance or hazard at or beyond the nearest Residence District boundary line.
   (D)   Poisonous fumes and gases. The emission of any gas or fume across lot lines in such concentrations as to be detrimental to our endanger public health, safety, comfort and welfare or shall cause injury or damage to property or business is prohibited.
   (E)   Glare and heat. No industrial operation, activity or structure shall cause heat or glare in such a manner as to be a public nuisance at or beyond any residence/business district boundary.
   (F)   Vibration. Any use creating intense earth-shaking vibrations shall be set back from a residence district boundary at least 250 feet, or at least 150 feet from a business district boundary.
   (G)   Noise. At no point 125 feet from the boundary of an L-I or I District shall the sound pressure level of any operation of plant (other than background noises produced by sources not under the control of this chapter) exceed the decibel limits in the octave bands designated below.
Maximum Permitted Sound Level Table
Octave Band Frequency (Cycles per Second)
Maximum Permitted Sound Level (In Decibels) Measured 125 feet from the L-I District Adjoining Residential District Boundaries
Maximum Permitted Sound Level (In Decibels) Measured 125 feet from the I District Adjoining Residential District Boundaries
Maximum Permitted Sound Level Table
Octave Band Frequency (Cycles per Second)
Maximum Permitted Sound Level (In Decibels) Measured 125 feet from the L-I District Adjoining Residential District Boundaries
Maximum Permitted Sound Level (In Decibels) Measured 125 feet from the I District Adjoining Residential District Boundaries
0 to 75
75 to 150
150 to 300
300 to 600
600 to 1,200
1,200 to 2,400
2,400 to 4,800
Above 4,800
   (H)   Fire hazards. The storage, utilization or manufacture of solid materials or products ranging from incombustible to moderate burning is permitted. The storage, utilization or manufacture of solid materials or products ranging from free or active burning to intense burning is permitted provided the said materials shall be stored, utilized or manufactured in such a manner and protected by such means as approved by the state’s Fire Marshal and the state’s Administrative Building Council.
(Ord. passed 9-26-2006)