Home occupations shall be regulated as accessory uses, pursuant to the specific districts. A home occupation shall comply with the following standards.
   (A)   The use shall be clearly incidental and secondary to the residential use of the dwelling, and not more than 25% of the dwelling unit floor area shall be devoted to the home occupation.
   (B)   The home occupation shall only occur within the principal dwelling.
   (C)   Only members of the immediate family residing at the premises shall engage in such occupation.
   (D)   External indication of a home occupation shall be limited to one non-illuminated sign, not more than two square feet, attached against the structure.
   (E)   Any need for parking generated by conduct of the home occupation shall be met in the driveway.
   (F)   No equipment or process shall be used which creates noise, vibration, glare, fumes, odors or electrical interference detectable to normal senses off the lot, if the occupation is conducted in a single- family residence.
   (G)   The external appearance of the structure shall remain residential in character.
   (H)   No commodity shall be sold upon the premises; except that, which is prepared or maintained on the premises. No display of the products shall be visible from the street.
   (I)   There shall be no outside storage of any kind related to the home occupation use.
   (J)   Any home occupation displaying a sign shall also be subject to this code of ordinances.
(Ord. passed 9-26-2006)