(A) Trash and waste materials shall be stored in metal or other approved containers in accordance with town codes and regulations as they are adopted or modified from time to time.
(B) In all commercial districts, trash and waste storage containers that are open to public view or the view of adjacent properties, shall be screened from such view, in accordance with § 156.473 of this chapter.
(C) All trash containers or receptacles in all multi-family, commercial, office, office/industrial and industrial districts shall conform to the following requirement:
(1) Have such areas enclosed or screened on at least three sides by an evergreen hedge, solid wall or fence adequate in height to screen the containers if such area is not within an enclosed building or structure. Such enclosure shall be of the same type materials or be painted the same color as the principal building.
(2) The enclosure or screening shall be at least six feet in height. Screening with plant materials shall be attained within five years of planting.
(3) Adequate vehicular access to and from such area or areas for the collection of trash and/or garbage shall be required and shall be of concrete material.
(4) Trash containers shall not be located in the front yard building setback and shall conform to side and rear yard pavement setbacks of the appropriate district.
(5) A six inch raised curb shall be located one foot from the interior walls of the enclosure to prevent the dumpster or refuse container from damaging the walls of the enclosure.
(6) All trash container areas shall be enclosed on the fourth side with a 100% opacity gate.
(Ord. passed 9-26-2006)