§ 93.16 GOALS.
   The goals of the town’s Industrial Growth Policy are as follows:
   (A)   Encourage diversified industrial growth which contributes to the quality of life of the community by enriching its physical, social and economic environments;
   (B)   Provide an atmosphere in the community which will encourage investment by enterprises which meet these criteria;
   (C)   Encourage the expansion of present enterprises within the community, in recognition of the existing firms’ contributions to and investment in the community;
   (D)   Encourage the development and expansion of agribusiness industries, historically at the heart of economic development of the community;
   (E)   Encourage the growth and development of new and innovative industries. With longstanding community ties to higher education and research, the town seeks new investment in technological, communications and informational enterprises;
   (F)   Encourage expansion of service industries which respond innovatively to the needs of older citizens, which needs are a traditional concern of the community.
(Prior Code, Title I, Ch. I, Art. XVI, § 2)