Vacated Alleys
Vacated Alleys
Portion of alley lying on north side of Lot 12 of Michael Henney’s Addition to the town: beginning at a point in the north line of said Lot #12, 76.50 feet west of the northeast corner thereof; thence north 16.50 feet to the north line of said alley; thence west along the north line of said public alley and the south line of Lot #13 of said addition, 34.10 feet to the southwest corner of said Lot #13; thence in a southeasterly direction 17.70 feet to the northwest corner of Lot #12 of said addition; thence east along the north line of said Lot #12, 28.33 feet to the place of beginning. Recorded 6-21-1940. (Civil Engineer and the Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis Railroad Company.) Part of east/west alley, between Lots 12 and 13 between Main and Second Streets.
Fourth Street and alley: commencing at the northeast corner of Lot #6 in said Aug. C. Mills & Co. Addition to the town; thence west 446 feet, four inches to the northwest corner of Lot #10 in said addition; thence north 12 feet; thence east 446 feet and four inches to a point; thence south 12 feet to the point of beginning, the same being a 12-foot alley on the north side of Lots #6, #7, #8, #9 and #10 in said addition. Said applicant is the owner of all of said lots and the tract on the north of such alley.
Also, commencing at the northwest corner of Lot #7 in said Aug. C. Mills & Co. Addition to the town; thence west 12 feet to the northeast corner of Lot #8; thence south 132 feet to the southeast corner of Lot #8; thence east 12 feet to the southwest corner of Lot #7; thence north 132 feet to the point of beginning. This is the alley between lots #7 and #8 in said A. C. Mills & Co. Addition, the same being 12 feet in width. Said applicant is the owner of Lots #7 and #8 hereof.
Also, commencing at the northeast corner of Lot #18, thence west 252 feet to the northwest corner of Lot #15; thence north 50 feet to the southwest corner of Lot #9; thence east 252 feet to the southeast corner of Lot #6; thence south 50 feet to the point of beginning, all of said lots being in the Aug. C. Mills & Co. Addition to the town. Said area is otherwise described as that part of Fifth Street extending from the west limits of Kessler Street through and to the east limits of West Street in the town. (Peabody Seating Company.)
The portion of an alley running east and west between Maple and Buffalo Street, further described as follows: commencing at the southwest corner of Lot #13 in A.C. Mills Addition to the town; thence east 150 feet; thence south 16.5 feet to the northeast corner of Lot #10, same Addition; thence west 150 feet to the northwest corner of Lot #12, same addition; thence north 16.50 feet to the place of beginning. Petition filed 1959. Protests filed 2-2-1959. Summons issued to Council 2-4-1959. (Petitioners: Eldon M. Wright, Frances Al Wright, Orval E. Baker.) Outcome unknown.
The portion of the east-west alley in August C. Mills & Company’s Addition to the town, lying between Lots 34 and 59 in said Addition. (Sam Blocher.)
The south one foot of the public alley which runs in an east-west direction lying between Half and Miami Streets and commencing at the easterly line of the right-of-way of Wayne Street and running thence east to the first north-south alley intersecting the same. Public hearing held 2-4-1963. (Clara Crowell, Clerk-Treasurer.) Freed alley.
Portion of alley beginning at the northwest corner of Lot #137 in the Original Plat of North Manchester, Indiana; thence north a distance of 16.50 feet to the southwest corner of Lot #126; thence east along the south line of said Lot #126 a distance of 78.375 feet to the southeast corner of said lot; thence south a distance of 16.50 feet to the northeast corner of said Lot #137 of the Original Plat; thence west along the north line of said Lot #137 a distance of 78.375 feet to the place of beginning. (Bryan Manufacturing.)
Sixteen foot alley, running the complete length from Elm Street on the east through to Maple Street on the west, from the northwest corner of Lot #35 in the Oak Park Addition to the town; thence east to the northeast corner of Lot #42 in said addition; thence north to the southeast corner of Lot #50 in the aforesaid addition; thence west to the southwest corner of Lot #43 in the same addition; thence south to the point of beginning. Legal ad filed 5-2-1967. (Peabody Memorial Home.) Outcome unknown.
Alley beginning at the southeast corner of Lot #21 in Fairview Addition to the town; thence north along the west edge of a public alley to the northeast corner of Lot #17 in said addition; thence east along the south line of College Avenue to the northwest corner of Lot #8 in said addition; thence south along the east line of a public alley to the southwest corner of Lot #4 in said addition; thence west to the place of beginning. (Glen Heckman.)
Alley located from the northwest corner of Lot #32 in the Fairview Addition, to the town; thence south to the southwest corner of Lot #27 in the said addition; thence west to the southeast corner of Lot #46 in the aforesaid addition; thence north to the northeast corner of Lot #41 in the same addition; thence east to the point of beginning. (Fred Kissinger, Margaret Kissinger, Peggy Schmalzried, John Pottenger, Maude Pottenger, Dorothy Hoover, Russell Tracy, Edna Tracy, Ethel Olinger, James Stewart, Barbara Stewart, Ethel Guthrie, Ralph Boyer, Jessie Boyer, Orville Cole, Mrs. Oscar Monce, John Weber, Hima Weber, Keith Ream, Elsie Ream.)
All in the same Fairview Addition, from the northwest corner of Lot #26; thence south to the southwest corner of Lot #25; thence west to the southeast corner of Lot #48 in the same addition; thence north to the northeast corner of Lot #47 in the same addition, thence east to the point of beginning. (Fred Kissinger, Margaret Kissinger, Peggy Schmalzried, John Pottenger, Maude Pottenger, Dorothy Hoover, Russell Tracy, Edna Tracy, Ethel Olinger, James Stewart, Barbara Stewart, Ethel Guthrie, Ralph Boyer, Jessie Boyer, Orville Cole, Mrs. Oscar Monce, John Weber, Hima Weber, Keith Ream, Elsie Ream.)
Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 30 in the Original Plat of Manchester, now called North Manchester, thence south along the west line of Lot #30, 156.75 feet to the southwest corner thereof; thence west 16.50 feet to the southeast corner of Lot #31 in said addition; thence north on the east line of Lot #31, 156.75 feet to the northeast corner of said lot; thence east 16.50 feet to the place of beginning. Containing 0.0594 of an acre. (Indiana Lawrence Bank and Trust Company.)
Public alley lying south of the south line of Lots #1, #2, #3, #4, #5 and #6 of John Ennis’ Addition to the town, with its westerly terminus being West Street and its easterly terminus being Beckley Street. Petition recorded 3-7-1978. (The Warner Corp., George W. Clark, Max E. Clark and Joann Miller.)
Portion of a public alley which lies between Lots #38 and #39 in August C. Mills and Company’s Addition; said alley being 12 feet by 132 feet and bounded on the west by Lot 38; on the east by Lot 39; on the north by the south side of Fourth Street; and on the south by the north line of an east-west public alley lying between Third and Fourth Street in said subdivision. Petition recorded 11-26-1980. (Sincroft Sales, Inc.)
Beginning at a cut off concrete post at the northwest corner of Block 1 in Shively and Metzger’s Second Addition to the town; thence north 20 feet to a point on the east line of Beckley Street; thence east 187.50 feet to a point on the west line of a north-south alley; thence south 20 feet to a point at the northeast corner of Block 1 in Shively and Metzger’s Second Addition to the town; thence west along the north line of Block 1 187.50 feet to the point of beginning; containing 0.086 acres, more or less. Petition recorded 10-19-1985 by Glen L. Blocher, Eleanor L. Blocher, BKB Manufacturing, Inc., by Barry K. Blocher, President.
The alley, 13 feet wide, north and south and 216 feet long east and west between Lots #2 and #3 in Joshua Wood’s Addition to the town. (Ralph McFarland.)
Alley abutting owned by R. Ned Brooks and Ronald D. Brooks for that portion abutting on part of Lot #3 and Lot #4, Colleen Houser for that portion abutting on Lot #1, and Paul Kissinger for that portion abutting on lot and part of Lot #3. Begin at the northwest corner of Lot #1 in College View Addition to the town; thence north to the southwest corner of Lot #2 in said addition; thence east on the south line of Lots #2, #3 and #4 to the right-of-way line of the Pennsylvania Railroad; thence southwesterly along said right-of-way line to a point where said right-of-way line would intersect the north line of Lot #1 if prolonged; thence west along the north line of Lot #31 to the place of beginning. (R. Ned Brooks, Ronald D. Brooks, Colleen Houser and Paul Kissinger.)
Certain alley contained in the original plat of Oak Park Addition and now contained within the replat of Oak Park Addition, shall be and are now vacated. Said vacated alleyway shall be added to Lots #5 and #7 of said replat of Oak Park Addition as was shown on the replat approved by the town. Further, the vacation shall extend a distance of 184 feet west from the western right-of-way line of Elm Street, and shall include the entire width of said alleyway. Recorded 6-8-1998. (Woodcrafts Company, Inc.)
Public alley lying between Lots #2 and #3 in Samuel Krieg’s First Addition to the town. (Auto Zone, Inc. by Eldon Metzger.)
Washington Street, between Lots #27, #28 and #37, and that part lying north of said lots, to the south line of Outlot 1, as show on the Plat. (Oaklawn Cemetery Association.)
Sixth Street, west of Washington Street, lying between Lots #41, #42, #43, #44 and Lots #37, #38, #39 and #40, as shown on the Plat. (Oaklawn Cemetery Association.)
The alley, running north and south, between Lots #38, #39, #42 and #43, as shown on the Plat. (Oaklawn Cemetery Association.)
The alley, running east and west, between Lots #41, #42, #43, #44 and Outlot 1, as shown on the Plat. (Oaklawn Cemetery Association.)
The alley, running north and south on the west side of the Plat, beginning at the south line of Lot #40, if projected west to the west side of the Plat, thence north to the south line of Outlot 1, as shown on the Plat. (Oaklawn Cemetery Association.)
East/west alley, platted between East Street and Ruse Street, lying between Lots #1 through #4 and Lots #20 through #23 in said College Additions; subject, however, to existing and future utility easements within and upon the said vacated alley. (Manchester College.)
The alley running east and west and bordered on the west by Mill Street, on the north by Lots #124, #125, #126 and #127, on the east by Sycamore Street and on the south by Lots #136, #137, #138 and Lot #139, all in the Original Plat to the town. (Barbara Joann Hill, George T. Coon and Virginia L. Coon and the Manchester Economic Development Corporation.)
The alley running north and south, bordered on the east by a vacated alley and Lot #137, on the south by Main Street, on the west by Lot #138, and on the north by a vacated alley between Lots #125 and #126, all in the Original Plat of the town. (Barbara Joann Hill, George T. Coon and Virginia L. Coon and the Manchester Economic Development Corporation.)
The 12 foot east-west alley, bordered on the east by Sycamore Street, on the north by Lot #8 in Henrietta Shanafelt and Kennedy’s Addition to the town, on the west by the north-south alley sought to be vacated and on the south by Lots #4 and #5, in Henrietta Shanafelt’
The 12-foot north-south alley, bordered on the east by Lot #8 and #9 in Henrietta Shanafelt and Kennedy’s Addition to the town, on the south by the 12-foot alley sought to be vacated, on the west by Lot #3 in Henrietta Shanafelt’s Addition to the town, and on the north by Miami Street.
Miami Street, bordered on the east by Sycamore Street, on the south by Lot #9 in Henrietta Shanafelt and Kennedy’s Addition to the town, on the west by the abandoned railroad right-of-way of the former Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington Railroad Company and on the north by Lot #10 in Henrietta Shanafelt and Kennedy’s Addition to the town. (Heckman Bindery, Inc. and Stephen P. Heckman.)
The alley running north and south and bordered on the east by Lot #67, on the south by Third Street, on the west by Lot #66, and on the north by a vacated alley, all in Harter’s Addition to the town, is hereby vacated. (C. Lavonne Lautzenhiser.)
The platted ten-foot alley in said Riverside Addition, running west from South Market Street between Lots #11 and #12, to the west line of said lots is hereby vacated. (Kimberly S. Pruitt)
The platted ten-foot alley running north and south, from a point whose north line is formed by a line between the southwest corner of said Lot #11 in Riverside Addition and the northwest corner of Lot #1 in Warvel Park Addition (of record in Plat Book 3, at pages 306 and 307, in the office of the County Recorder) and from said line thence south to the north line of Parke Avenue in said Warvel Park Addition, is hereby vacated. (Kimberly S. Pruitt)
(Prior Code, Title VII, Ch. I, Art. XXII) (Ord. passed 3-2-1940; Ord. passed 11-29-1958; Res. 2, 1961, passed 6-5-1961; Res. 4, 1963, passed 6-24-1963; Res. 5, 1967, passed 5-1-1967; Res. 8, 1967, passed 6-5-1967; Res. passed 7-7-1971; Res. passed 7-2-1997; Ord. 4, 1998, passed 3-4-1998; Ord. 14, 1998, passed 11-12-1998; Ord. 3, 2000, passed 5-3-2000; Ord. 2, 2001, passed 5-1-2002; Ord. 2, 2003, passed 2-6-2003; Ord. 2, 2003, passed 2-6-2003; Ord. 3, 2003, passed 4-2-2003; Ord. 7, 2007, passed 6-6-2007; Ord. 5, 2008, passed 7-2-2008)