For use in this chapter and the Animal Control Code generally, the following additional terms are defined:
1. "Behavior Consultation" means a consultation with a professional that has expertise in dog behavior with the intent to help the owner and the dog address the aggressive behavior displayed by the dog.
2. "Bodily injury" means any injury to a human or animal that is less severe than a Serious Injury. Bodily injuries may include scratches, puncture wounds, breaking the skin, significant bruising, redness, swelling or a lasting injury.
3. "Confinement" means to contain the dangerous or potentially dangerous dog within a home, structure, kennel, pen, or fenced yard, as approved by the North Liberty Police Department, to protect the public and prevent the dog from running at large. Confining a dangerous dog with an invisible fence is not allowed.
4. "Dangerous Animal" means: (i) any animal which is not naturally tame or gentle, and which is of a wild nature or disposition, and which is capable of killing, inflicting serious injury upon or causing disease among human beings or domestic animals and having known tendencies as a species to do so; or (ii) any animal declared to be dangerous by the County Board of Health, Chief of Police, or the City Administrator; or (iii) the following animals, which are deemed to be dangerous animals per se:
A. Wolves and coyotes;
B. Badgers, wolverines, weasels, mink and other Mustelids (except ferrets);
C. Bears;
D. All apes (including chimpanzees), baboons and macaques;
E. Monkeys, except the squirrel monkey;
F. Elephants;
G. Wild boar;
H. Black widow spiders and scorpions;
I. Snakes which are naturally venomous or poisonous;
J. All cats, except domestic cats (Carnivora of the family Felidae including but not limited to lions, cougars, tigers, jaguars, leopards, lynx, bobcats, etc.)
K. Raccoons;
L. Alligators, crocodiles and caiman;
5. "Dangerous Dog" means a dog that fits into any or all the following categories:
A. Without provocation, bites or attacks a person or a domestic pet causing serious injury, whether on public or private property;
B. Without provocation, has killed a domestic pet whether on public or private property;
C. Any dog that according to the records of a health department, police department, or humane society or according to any other records available to the Police Department has directly inflicted Serious Injury on a human being, without provocation, on public or private property.
6. "Domestic Animal" see "Pet" in Section 55.02(18).
7. "Impound" means to take a dangerous or potentially dangerous dog into custody by the Animal Control Authority or the organization authorized to enforce this chapter. Impound may involve the placement of a dog in an animal shelter or at a licensed veterinary facility. The cost to impound a dog shall be the responsibility of the owner.
8. "Investigation" means the process to review an incident involving a dog which may include interviewing the victim, owner, witnesses, neighbors and veterinarian. Investigations are completed by the North Liberty Police Department or the authority designated by the City.
9. "Microchip implant" means a passive electronic transponder that is injected into an animal, subcutaneously, by means of a hypodermic-type syringe device. Each microchip shall contain a unique and original number that is read by an electronic scanning device for purposes of animal identification and recovery by the animal's owner. The microchip implant shall be supplied with an exterior collar-type tag for purposes of an external means of notifying others that the animal has been implanted with a microchip.
10. "Potentially Dangerous Dog" means a dog that may reasonably be assumed to pose a threat to public safety as demonstrated by any of the following behaviors:
A. Without provocation, causes Bodily Injury to a person or domestic animal on public or private property;
B. Without provocation, chases or approaches a person, a domestic animal or a wheeled conveyance upon the streets, sidewalks, or any public or private property, in an apparent attitude of attack; or has a known propensity, tendency, or disposition to attack, causing injury or otherwise threatening the safety of humans or domestic animals;
C. Without provocation, chases or approaches a person or domestic animal demonstrating aggressive nipping behavior or has inflicted Bodily Injury;
D. Any dog with a demonstrated propensity, tendency or disposition to attack, to cause injury to, or to otherwise threaten the safety of humans or domestic animals. This category shall include a security dog that has been trained to attack;
E. Any dog not in strict conformity with the rabies control program of the City of North Liberty as established by the licensing provisions of the Municipal Code;
11. “Proper Leashing” of a dangerous or potentially dangerous dog means the dog shall not be permitted to go outside a proper enclosure, as defined in Section 57.05(1) or Section 57.06(1) of this chapter, unless wearing a properly fitted Martingale (limited-slip) collar or its equivalent, as determined by a veterinarian, and secured on a leash no longer than six (6) feet in length that is under the actual physical control of a person eighteen (18) years of age or older who has the physical ability to restrain the dog. When a dangerous dog is not securely confined or caged for transportation, a muzzle shall be placed on the dog.
(Ord. 2023-04 – Sep. 23 Supp.)
12. "Quarantine" means confining the dog for a period as defined by this ordinance. During quarantine the dog shall have no contact with other animals. A dog must be quarantined within an enclosed structure of the owner with prior approval of the Police Department or at an animal shelter or veterinarian, the cost for confinement during quarantine shall be the responsibility of the owner. A dog may not be released from quarantine until it meets proper licensing requirements including proof of rabies vaccination.
13. "Serious Injury" means any physical injury to a human or domestic animal by a dog that results in a bone fracture, muscle tear, disfiguring laceration or requires multiple sutures, corrective surgery, cosmetic surgery or death.
14. "Trespass" means to enter unlawfully upon the land of another.