1. Requirements. Community cats shall be allowed as free roaming cats if all the following are met:
A. No person owns the cat,
B. The cat has been assessed by a veterinarian and deemed healthy,
C. The cat has been spayed or neutered,
D. The cat has been vaccinated for rabies, feline rhinotracheitis, calcivirus, and panleukopenia, and reasonable attempts have been made to revaccinate the cat in accordance with the direction of a veterinarian, and
E. The cat has been ear-tipped by a veterinarian after having made an affirmative determination for each of the requirements in subsections A-D above.
2. Nuisance. Community cats that create a nuisance may be captured and impounded. For the purpose of this section "nuisance" shall be defined as anything which interferes with the enjoyment of life or property. The chief humane officer may determine if a community cat is a nuisance and shall use information obtained from citizens complaining about a community cat and his/her expertise to determine if a community cat is a nuisance.
3. Returning community cat to area. A community cat shall be returned to the area where it was captured unless the cat is sick or injured. The disposition of a sick or injured community cat shall be determined by the chief humane officer.
4. Liability. The city shall have no liability for the disposition of any community cat.
(Ord. 2019-15 - Aug. 19 Supp.)