117.22 CLOSING.
   This franchise ordinance sets forth and constitutes the entire agreement between the Cooperative and the City of North Liberty with respect to the rights contained herein and may not be superseded, modified or otherwise amended without the approval and acceptance of the Cooperative. Except as set forth in Section 117.21, in no event shall the City of North Liberty enact any ordinance or place any limitations, either operationally or through the assessment of fees, that create additional burdens upon the Cooperative, or which delay utility operations with respect to the right contained herein.
   This franchise grants the Cooperative the right to exercise powers of eminent domain. The Cooperative shall notify the City of proposed eminent domain action at least thirty (30) days prior to exercising said powers of eminent domain and the Cooperative agrees not to exercise such powers to the extent the City notifies the Cooperative that it opposes specific aspects of the proposed eminent domain action.
117.24 ASSIGNMENT.  
   The Cooperative shall file in the office of the City Clerk written notice of any proposed sale, transfer, disposition or assignment of this franchise or change in ownership of the Cooperative.
   If either party determines there is a default under this franchise the other party shall be given written notice describing the default in detail, whether a forfeiture or termination of the franchise will be sought and where curable a reasonable time to cure the default which shall not be less than sixty (60) nor more than one hundred eight (180) days.
(Ch. 117 - Ord. 12-02 – Apr. 12 Supp.)