The Clerk shall attend all regular and special Council meetings and, at the direction of the Council, the Clerk shall attend meetings of committees, boards, and commissions. The Clerk shall record and preserve a correct record of the proceedings of such meetings.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 372.13[4])
The Clerk shall issue or revoke licenses and permits when authorized by this Code of Ordinances, and keep a record of licenses and permits issued which shall show date of issuance, license or permit number, official receipt number, name of person to whom issued, term of license or permit and purpose for which issued.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 372.13[4])
The City seal is in the custody of the Clerk and shall be attached by the Clerk to all transcripts, orders, and certificates which it may be necessary or proper to authenticate. The City seal is circular in form, in the center of which are the words “NORTH LIBERTY, IOWA” and around the margin of which are the words “CITY SEAL.”