1.   Neighborhood or Development Signs. Residential developments or neighborhoods of four or more dwelling units shall be permitted one freestanding monument sign for each public street frontage or each entrance. Such signs may be placed in any location on private property provided the sign complies with the same height limitations specified for fences. Maximum sign area for each sign shall not exceed 50 square feet.
   2.   Non-residential Uses. Each non-residential principal use shall be permitted wall signs and one freestanding monument sign per public street frontage, subject to the following size requirements.
      A.   Maximum Wall Sign Area. The total area of wall signage shall not exceed one square foot for each lineal foot of building wall when viewed in elevation, not to exceed 50 square feet.
      B.   Maximum Freestanding Sign Area. One sign is permitted per public street access. The surface area for each sign shall not exceed 50 square feet and the height shall not exceed 5 feet.
(Ord. 2023-26 – Jan. 24 Supp.)