Accessory structures and uses shall occupy the same lot as the main use or building. No lot shall have an accessory structure or use without the principal use. No accessory structure shall be used as a dwelling unit. Accessory structures shall be constructed out of material intended for long-term exposure to the elements. Prohibited materials include, but are not limited to cloth, fabric, canvas, plastic sheets and tarps. Exceptions to the materials prohibition includes plastic for greenhouses and fabric and/or canvas for shade structures. Shipping containers are prohibited as an accessory structure.
   1.   Yard Encroachment. No accessory building or use shall be located within any yard unless authorized by this Section and/or Section v.
   2.   Freestanding Garages, Storage Buildings, Greenhouses, Gazebos, Pergolas, and other Similar Structures greater than 200 Square Feet Gross Floor Area.
      A.   RS, RD and ID districts shall be subject to the following:
         (1)   A maximum of one garage, storage building, greenhouse, gazebo, pergola, or other similar structure greater than 200 square feet gross floor area.
         (2)   Freestanding garages. A maximum gross floor area of 850 square feet. RS district exception: on properties exceeding .5 acres but less than .75 acres, the maximum gross floor area shall be 1,000 square feet. On properties exceeding .75 acres but less than one acre, the maximum gross floor area shall be 1,200 square feet. On properties exceeding one acre, the maximum gross floor area shall be 1,400 square feet. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the gross floor area shall not exceed the total footprint of the residence.
         (3)   All other structures besides freestanding garages. A maximum gross floor area of 600 square feet.
         (4)   May be located within the rear yard subject to a five foot side and rear setback.
         (5)   May be located within a side yard subject to meeting the required side and rear yard setbacks for the main building.
         (6)   Must be situated a minimum 20 feet from a public or private right-of-way or improved alley.
         (7)   May not be located within any utility, sewer, drainage, access or walkway easement, where such easement is dedicated to the City or to public use.
         (8)   A maximum height of 15 feet.
      B.   RM district.
         (1)   No maximum number accessory structures, however, the aggregate floor area shall not exceed the aggregate footprint of the main buildings.
         (2)   May be located within the rear yard subject to a 10-foot side and rear setback.
         (3)   A minimum 20 feet from a public or private right-of-way or improved alley.
         (4)   Not within any utility, sewer, drainage, access or walkway easement, where such easement is dedicated to the City or to public use.
         (5)   A maximum height of 15 feet.
   3.   Storage Buildings, Greenhouses, Gazebos, Pergolas and other Similar Structures 200 Square Feet Gross Floor Area or Less.
      A.   RS, RD and ID districts shall be subject to the following:
         (1)   A maximum two storage buildings, greenhouses, gazebos, pergolas, or structures designed for other similar use, or any combination thereof, may be located within the rear yard.
         (2)   A minimum of five feet from the side and rear property line.
         (3)   A minimum of 10 feet from a public or private right-of-way alley.
         (4)   Not within any utility, sewer, drainage, access or walkway easement, where such easement is dedicated to the City or to public use.
         (5)   Maximum building height of 10 feet.
(Subsections 1-3 - Ord. 2023-26 – Jan. 24 Supp.)
   4.   Other accessory uses.
      A.   Swimming pools. Swimming pools may be located within the rear yard subject to the following conditions:
         (1)   A minimum of five feet from the side and rear property line.
         (2)   A minimum of 10 feet from a public or private right-of-way.
         (3)   Not within any utility, sewer, drainage, access or walkway easement, where such easement is dedicated to the City or to public use.
      B.   Flagpoles. Flagpoles may be permitted within any yard subject to the following conditions:
         (1)   Limited to the maximum of three poles.
         (2)   Limited to the maximum height for the district or 40 feet, whichever is less.
         (3)   A minimum of five feet from any property line.
         (4)   External illumination of flags is permitted but must be focused on the flagpole and flag.
      C.   Freestanding solar systems. Freestanding solar systems may be located within the rear yard subject to the following conditions:
         (1)   Must meet the required side and rear yard setback for the main building.
         (2)   Not within any utility, sewer, drainage, access or walkway easement, where such easement is dedicated to the City or to public use.
         (3)   Maximum system height of 15 feet.
   5.   District Specific Accessory Uses.
      A.   In all districts, the storage of wood, lumber, and other material where the land occupied by such storage is confined to one location in the rear yard area with a maximum area of 100 square feet, provided that there are at least eight inches of free air space under such storage.
      B.   In all non-residential districts and for non-residential uses in residential districts, outdoor storage or display exceeding 100 square feet shall be subject to the following:
         (1)   Outdoor storage or display areas shall be screened with landscaping consisting of shade trees and evergreen trees and shrubs. Such landscaped area shall be of sufficient width and density to provide an effective and aesthetically pleasing screen with trees and shrubs not less than five feet in height when planted. In lieu of planting strips, a six-foot tall solid vertical fence or masonry, heavy wood construction, or other similar material approved by the Code Official may be used as a screen.
         (2)   Outdoor storage or display shall be allowed only on hard-surface areas paved to parking lot specifications with asphalt or concrete.
         (3)   Seasonal outdoor display may not be subject to the requirement if approved as a zoning temporary use.
   6.   Home Occupations.
      A.   Home occupations are permitted in any dwelling unit in the RS, RD R-MH districts as an accessory use provided that this use is clearly incidental and secondary to the primary use of the dwelling for residential purposes and does not change the character of the dwelling unit or adversely affect the surrounding residential district of which it is a part.
      B.   A member or members of the immediate family occupying the dwelling and no more than one person who is not a resident member of the immediate family may be in the home at any given time to work in connection with the home occupation.
      C.   Home occupations of an office or service-related businesses with client visits are limited to one client at a time per home occupation in the structure.
         (1)   For purposes of this section, client means one or more persons meeting with for the office or service-related business home occupation.
         (2)   For the purposes of this section, client does not mean regular meetings of sales associates or a similar category of employee.
      D.   No alteration of the principal building may be made that changes the residential character of that dwelling. Displays or activities that indicate from the exterior that the structure is being used, in part, for any purpose other than that of a residence are prohibited.
      E.   No commodities can be sold or services rendered that require receipt or delivery of merchandise, goods, or equipment other than by a passenger motor vehicle or by parcel or letter carrier mail services using vehicles typically employed in residential deliveries.
      F.   The home occupation and all related activity, including storage, must be conducted completely within the principal building or a permitted accessory structure.
      G.   No toxic, explosive, flammable, combustible, corrosive, etiologic, radioactive, or other restricted materials may be used or stored on the site. There must be no perceptible noise, odor, smoke, electrical interference, vibration, or other nuisance emanating from the structure where the home occupation is located in excess of that normally associated with residential use.
      H.   The home occupation cannot create greater vehicular or pedestrian traffic than is average for a residential area. The home occupation and any related activity must not create any traffic hazards or nuisances in public rights-of-way.
      I.   The use or storage of tractor trailers, semi-trucks, or heavy equipment, such as construction equipment used in a commercial business, is prohibited.
      J.   Repair and service of any vehicles or any type of machinery, small or heavy, is prohibited.
      K.   Rental services, where any materials for rent are stored on-site and customers visit the residence to pick-up and return the product, is prohibited.