1.   General. This section addresses the duties and responsibilities of a Planning Commission, herein referred to as the “Commission,” and other officials and agencies with respect to the administration of this code.
   2.   Establishment of the Commission. The establishment of the Commission shall be in accordance with the policies and procedures as set forth in State law. The Commission shall consist of seven members. Additionally, one member of the Council may be appointed as liaison to the Commission. Such member shall have the right to attend all meetings and take part in all discussions, but shall not vote on Commission decisions.
   3.   Terms for Members. All appointments shall be for three years.
   4.   Selection of Members. All members shall be appointed by the Mayor, subject to the approval of the Council. The terms of office for the Commission members shall be staggered at intervals so as to provide continuity in policy and personnel. Members of the Commission shall be at least eighteen years of age and legal residents of the City. Any vacancy for the unexpired term of any member whose term is not completed shall be filled. A member shall continue to serve until a successor has been appointed and approved.
   5.   Chairperson Election and Rules Adoption. The Commission shall elect from its membership a Chairperson. It shall also establish and adopt rules for its organization and transaction of business and shall keep a public record of its proceedings.
   6.   Commission Secretary. A Secretary to assist the Commission shall be appointed by the City Administrator. The Secretary shall keep minutes of the Commission meetings for public record and conduct all correspondence, including the notification of decisions. The Secretary shall also certify records. The Secretary shall prepare and submit the minutes of Commission meetings to the Chairperson and the Commission.
   7.   Duties and Powers.
      A.   Comprehensive Plan. It shall be the duty of the Commission, after holding public hearings, to create and recommend to the Council a comprehensive plan for the physical development of its jurisdiction, which may include areas outside of the City’s boundaries which bear consideration to the planning of the jurisdiction. The Commission shall also recommend amendments to the comprehensive plan.
(Ord. 2023-26 – Jan. 24 Supp.)
      B.   Zoning Code. It shall be the duty of the Commission to create, adopt, and recommend to the Council a zoning code, in accordance with the guidelines of the comprehensive plan, establishing zones within the jurisdiction. Such a code shall be made in regard to the character of each district and the most appropriate use of land within the City’s jurisdiction. The Commission shall make periodic reports and recommendations to the Council.
      C.   Division of Land Regulations. It shall be the duty of the Commission to create, adopt, and certify regulations governing the division of land. All divisions of land shall be in accordance with the adopted regulations.
      D.   Conditional Uses. It shall be the duty of the Commission to review and comment on conditional use applications. The application shall be accompanied by maps, drawings, or other documentation in support of the request. The granting of a conditional use shall not exempt the applicant from compliance with other relevant provisions of related ordinances.