   Each taxi license shall be issued for one specific taxi only and shall not be transferable from taxi to taxi or to a different operator. The operator shall notify the City when a licensed taxi is withdrawn from service to be replaced by another taxi. A license for the replacement taxi shall be issued after payment of a transfer fee, as established by resolution of the Council, subject to compliance with vehicle inspection requirements.
   The City may revoke or suspend any license issued under this chapter for the following reasons:
   1.   Fraudulent Statements. The operator has made fraudulent statements in the application for the license or in the conduct of business.
   2.   Violation of Law or Ordinance. The operator has substantially violated the requirements of this chapter or the State motor vehicle laws.
   3.   Operation as to Endanger Safety, Health, or Welfare. The operator has conducted business in a manner that substantially endangers the public safety, health, welfare, order, or morals.
   A hearing shall be conducted before revoking or suspending a license. The operator shall be given notice of the hearing at least five and not more than 30 days before the date of the hearing. The notice shall be in writing and shall be served personally or as required for personal service by the Iowa Rules of Civil Procedure. The notice shall state the time and place of the hearing and the reasons for the intended revocation or suspension.
126.13 RATES.
   Each vehicle for hire shall have prominently displayed a fare rate card visible to all passenger seats, and each driver shall provide a copy of the fare rate card to a passenger, when requested. A passenger of a taxi may request from the driver an estimate of the fare to be charged, and the driver may provide such an estimate based on the fares displayed on the rate card. The driver shall then charge a fare not to exceed the estimate given plus the rate card fare for one-half mile.
   Each vehicle for hire shall have the name of the owner or the operating company painted plainly in letters at least two inches in height on each side of the vehicle. Each taxi shall be equipped with an interior light of sufficient candlepower to amply illuminate the interior of the taxi at all times. The light shall be so arranged as to be easily accessible to and operable by passengers.
   The driver of a taxi shall have the right to demand payment of the legal fare in advance and may refuse employment unless so prepaid. However, no driver shall otherwise refuse or neglect to convey any orderly person upon request, unless previously engaged or unable to do so.