1. Service to all Residents. Franchisee shall offer cable television service to all areas of the City which are in the corporate limits of the City of North Liberty and that meet the density requirements under subsection 2 of this section, on the effective date of the franchise.
2. New Residential Construction. Franchisee shall extend service to all new residences in all unwired developments within six months of a request of a subscriber in an area to be served by underground construction and within three months of a request of a subscriber for areas to be served aerially, whenever density of at least 25 residential dwelling units per cable plant mile; as measured from the existing facilities of Franchisee’s cable system in the franchise area. For purposes of this section, density per cable mile shall be computed by dividing the number of residential dwelling units in the area by the length (in miles or fractions thereof) of the total length of aerial or underground cable necessary to make service available to the residential dwelling units in such area in accordance with Franchisee’s system design parameters. The cable length shall be measured from the nearest point on the then-existing system. The total cable length shall exclude the drop cable necessary to serve individual subscriber premises.
3. Service Area. The service area of Franchisee shall be the entire corporate boundaries of the City and includes any areas annexed to the City in the future.
4. Commercial Service. Franchisee shall, upon request, make service available to all commercial/industrial establishments served aerially which are located within 250 feet of the system.
5. House Moving. Franchisee shall, upon the request of the City, move and replace its facilities to accommodate house moves conducted on behalf of the City, at a time and material cost to the City. Wherever feasible, the City shall use its best efforts to ensure that house moves follow the same or similar path.