   The driver of a vehicle involved in an accident within the limits of the City shall file a report as and when required by the Iowa Department of Transportation. A copy of this report shall be filed with the Police Department for the confidential use of peace officers and shall be subject to the provisions of Sections 22.7 and 321.271 of the Code of Iowa.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 321.273)
   A peace officer is authorized to stop a vehicle to require exhibition of the driver’s license of the driver, to serve a summons or memorandum of traffic violation, to inspect the condition of the vehicle, to inspect the vehicle with reference to size, weight, cargo, log book, bills of lading or other manifest of employment, tires and safety equipment, or to inspect the registration certificate, the compensation certificate, travel order, or permit of such vehicle. A peace officer having probable cause to stop a vehicle may require exhibition of the proof of financial liability coverage card issued for the vehicle.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 321.492)
   No person shall willfully fail or refuse to comply with any lawful order or direction of any peace officer invested by law with authority to direct, control or regulate traffic.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 321.229)
   No person shall conduct or cause any parade on any street except as provided herein:
   1.   “Parade” Defined. “Parade” means any march or procession of persons or vehicles organized for marching or moving on the streets in an organized fashion or manner or any march or procession of persons or vehicles represented or advertised to the public as a parade.
   2.   Permit Required. No parade shall be conducted without first obtaining a written permit from the City Council. Such permit shall state the time and date for the parade to be held and the streets or general route therefor. Such written permit granted to the person organizing or sponsoring the parade shall be permission for all participants therein to parade when such participants have been invited by the permittee to participate therein. A fee in the amount of $50.00 shall be required for such permit. Additionally a five hundred dollar deposit for extraordinary law enforcement costs and damage costs shall be required. After deductions for any extraordinary law enforcement costs and reimbursement to the City for any damage to public property, the remainder of the deposit will be refunded within ten days after the parade.
   3.   Parade Not a Street Obstruction. Any parade for which a permit has been issued as herein required, and the persons lawfully participating therein, shall not be deemed an obstruction of the streets notwithstanding the provisions of any other ordinance to the contrary.
   4.   Control by Police and Other Designated City Personnel. Persons participating in any parade shall at all times be subject to the lawful orders and directions in the performance of their duties of law enforcement personnel and other designated City personnel.
   The City Council shall have the authority to declare any street a special event street for the limited purpose of using that street as a thoroughfare for special events such as a parade or other activity that would be beneficial to the City. When such a street is so designated, authorized signs shall be erected indicating that no person shall drive a vehicle on such street or a portion of it, except drivers of vehicles having business – or whose residence is within – the closed area, and then any said driver shall exercise the greatest care in driving on any such street or portion thereof. The City may require a deposit for extraordinary law enforcement costs and damage costs in accordance with Section 60.08(2).