(A)   No person shall make, cause, suffer, allow, or permit to be made within the village any loud, disturbing, and unnecessary noise or noises of such character, intensity, or duration as to be detrimental to the life, health, and right to peace and enjoyment to any individual. Loud, disturbing, and unnecessary noises in violation of this section shall include, but are not limited to, the following:
      (1)   The sounding of any horn, bell, or other signal or warning device on any motor vehicle, except as a danger or warning signal on any vehicle other than a police, fire, or other public safety vehicle;
      (2)   No person shall play any music, amplifying sound, radio, music player, television, audio system, or musical instrument in such a manner or at such volume as to annoy or disturb the peace and quiet, comfort, or repose of neighboring inhabitants or those who said noise is audible within 150 feet of said sound source having due regard for the proximity of places of residence, hospital, businesses, or other residential institutions and to any other conditions affected by such noises or at a volume which is audible or within 150 feet of said sound source or till persons other than those who are in the vehicle, structure, or room in which such device or instrument is played and are voluntary listeners thereof;
      (3)   The making of any unnecessary or unseemly noise by a person or by his or her operation of any instrument, device, agency, or vehicle within 150 feet by an occupied residence or dwelling, or portion of the grounds and premises on which is located a hospital or other institution reserved for the sick, aged, or infirm, or within 150 feet of any school, courthouse, church, or building in which religious services are held, during school hours, hours of court, or hours of public worship, respectively. Any noise deemed necessary by means of employment, trade, or hobby shall be conducted between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. Monday through Sunday on the first day of spring through the last day of summer. The hours of 6:00 a.m. through 9:00 p.m. shall be in effect from the first day of fall through the last day of winter, as to not disturb any group or individual occupying any residence or dwelling within a 150-foot radius of said sound source; and
      (4)   (a)   Except as provided in this code, no person shall use motor vehicle compression brakes within the corporate limits of the village. It shall be an affirmative defense to prosecution under this section that compression brakes were applied in an emergency to protect persons or property.
         (b)   As used in this section, COMPRESSION BRAKES means a device which, when manually activated, retards the forward motion of motor vehicles by the compression of the engine of the vehicle or any unit or part of the engine. COMPRESSION BRAKES are also referred to as “jake brakes.”
   (B)   The following shall be exempt from all provisions of this section after hours:
      (1)   Construction or demolition requiring emergency attention;
      (2)   Police or fire personnel during the course of their duties;
      (3)   Village employees performing or assisting in necessary utility repairs;
      (4)   Sporting or fundraising events held for public viewing;
      (5)   Holiday functions requiring night time participation; and
      (6)   Agricultural equipment during harvest season.
   (C)   A violation shall be deemed to have occurred when any person makes, causes, suffers, allows, or permits to be made within the village any unreasonably loud, disturbing, and unnecessary noise or noises as described in this legislation.
(Ord. 276, passed 3-8-2023)