§ 110.02 JUNK YARDS.
   (A)   License required. No person, firm, or corporation shall operate or permit operation of a junk yard, collect junk or scrap material for resale, or store or park one or more junk motor vehicles as described in R.C. § 4737.05, the purpose of which is to remove or use any parts therefrom for removal for sale or for use in or on anything other than said junk motor vehicle, upon any property owner or leased by him or her, within the village without obtaining and retaining a license to do so from the Village Administrator. Application for such license shall be made on a form prescribed by the Village Administrator and accompanied by the applicable fee set forth below.
   (B)   License fees. License fees shall be as follows: for each fixed place of business, $50 per annum or part thereof.
   (C)   Fences required. Every person, firm, or corporation operating or permitting operation of a junk yard or permitting parking of junk motor vehicles as described in division (A) of this section shall enclose the area used for the storage or display of junk or scrap or one or more junk or inoperable motor vehicles with a fence or screen at least six feet in height. Such fence or screen shall be maintained in a clean, neat, sturdy condition.
   (D)   Revocation of license. All licenses issued under this section may be revoked by the Village Administrator at any time if it is determined that any requirement of this section is not being complied with by the license holder. The Village Administrator shall give ten days’ written notice of such revocation, during which the license holder may correct, or make arrangements satisfactory to the Village Administrator to have corrected, the conditions causing license revocation.
(Ord. 116, passed 8-5-1975) Penalty, see § 110.99