(A)   It shall be unlawful for any owner or operator to stop, park, or leave standing on, along, or within the right-of-way any street or alley; any commercial tractor, semitrailer, recreational vehicle, or any trailer or motor vehicle of any kind having a gross vehicle weight of more than 6,000 pounds, more than 20 feet in length, or having more than two axles, at any time, except:
      (1)   When making pickups or deliveries, but only for a reasonable time and at a point reasonably near to the property being so serviced;
      (2)   When providing construction services pursuant to a building permit, during the course of such service;
      (3)   When making repairs or improvements to property, during the reasonable course of their completion; or
      (4)   When providing emergency services.
   (B)   It shall be unlawful for the owner or operator of any such tractor, semitrailer, or motor vehicle to cause or allow the tractor, trailer, or motor vehicle to be moved to a different location within the village for the purpose of circumventing this section.
   (C)   Whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor and shall be fined up to $150.
   (D)   For the purpose of this section, the following definitions apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
      COMMERCIAL TRACTOR. Every motor vehicle having motive power designed or used for drawing other vehicles and not so constructed as to carry any load thereon, or designed or used for drawing other vehicles while carrying a portion of such other vehicles, or the load thereon, or both.
      RECREATIONAL VEHICLE. A vehicular portable structure designed and constructed to be used as a temporary dwelling for travel, recreational, and vacation uses, and being classed as follows:
         (a)   TRAVEL TRAILER. A nonself-propelled recreational vehicle not exceeding an overall length of 35 feet, exclusive of bumper and tongue or coupling, and includes a tent-type fold-out camping trailer as defined in R.C. § 4517.01(R);
         (b)   MOTOR HOME. A self-propelled recreational vehicle constructed with permanently installed facilities for cold storage, cooking and consuming of food, and for sleeping; and
         (c)   TRUCK CAMPER.
            1.   A nonself-propelled recreational vehicle, without wheels for road use, and designed to be placed upon and attached to a motor vehicle.
            2.   TRUCK CAMPER does not include truck covers which consist of walls and roof but do not have floors and facilities for using it as a dwelling.
(Ord. 272, passed 1-14-2020)