(A)   The Village Mayor and Administrator shall prepare the agendas and, depending on the nature of the business and the requirement of the law as may relate to public meetings, the order of business shall be as follows:
      (1)   Roll call;
      (2)   Review/reading of minutes of the last Council meeting;
      (3)   Reports:
         (a)   Village Mayor;
         (b)   Village Council;
         (c)   Finance;
         (d)   Village Administrator;
         (e)   Community policing;
         (f)   Engineering, water, wastewater plant, and streets; and
         (g)   Parks and recreation.
      (4)   Hearing of citizens;
      (5)   Resolutions/ordinances;
      (6)   General discussion; and
      (7)   Adjournment.
   (B)   Persons desiring to address and/or introduce legislation to the Village Mayor and Council or any of the public bodies shall need to submit their request to the Village Administrator two business days preceding the regular and/or called meeting.
   (C)   (1)   The meeting agenda, minutes from the previous Village Council meeting, and other meeting materials shall be available for review at the village building, 60 East Maple Street, on the Monday prior to the regularly scheduled meeting.
      (2)   Copies of the meeting agenda shall be available to attendees at each public meeting.
      (3)   Village Council members may also request that the agenda, minutes, and/or other meeting materials be sent to them via email prior to scheduled meetings. Council members and the general public should contact the Village Fiscal Officer to make arrangements in order to review any additional monthly reports or documents related to village business.
   (D)   Those who wish to be heard under division (A)(4) of this section shall be limited to three minutes. Additional time may be granted by the Chairperson, if necessary.
   (E)   Citizens are encouraged to notify the Village Fiscal Officer, Village Administrator, or designee prior to the meeting of the matter for which they will be addressing Village Council. Village Council and/or Village Administration and staff may respond to citizen concerns.
   (E)   (1)   Any person or group wishing to make a presentation to the Village Council should notify the Village Fiscal Officer, Village Administrator, or designee of the subject to be communicated no later than 2:00 p.m. on the Friday preceding the Village Council meeting. The person or group will be granted up to 20 minutes for such presentation.
      (2)   The Village Mayor or Village Administrator may, under certain circumstances, allow for the addition of presentations up to the commencement of the Village Council meeting.
   (F)   Village Council members shall have the opportunity to review monthly financial reports and/or statements at each Council meeting. Village Council members are encouraged to sign the reports, where indicated, to acknowledge their review of the reports.
(Res. 03-05-2013(C), passed 3-5-2013; Res. 03-01-2016, passed 3-1-2016)