§ 150.16 IMPACT FEES.
   (A)   Position of impact fee. It is hereby determined to be necessary to impose an impact fee upon any and all new construction on unplotted lots inside the village, or any annexed land to the village. Such impact fee shall be collected at the time of the issuance of the building permit.
   (B)   Schedule of fees. The scheduled impact fee upon new construction shall be in accordance with the following schedule. All new construction on unplotted or undeveloped land inside the village or any annexed land shall pay an impact fee in addition to tap-in fees for water and sewage usage, unless otherwise negotiated.
      (1)   Single-family: $800;
      (2)   Multi-family (per unit): $400;
      (3)   General office: $299 (per 1,000 square feet);
      (4)   General retail: $327 (per 1,000 square feet); and
      (5)   General industry: $589 (per 1,000 square feet).
   (C)   Notice. Notice of the ordinance from which this section is derived shall be prominently displayed throughout the village at five places of business.
(Ord. 166, passed 5-3-1994)