The Council shall authorize the adoption of the planning subdivision filing fees and the LUC application for preliminary and final plats.
   (A)   Preliminary plat.
      (1)   Base filing fee plus: $600; and
      (2)   Per lot or acre (whichever is larger): $65.
   (B)   Construction plan review fees. $250 plus:
      (1)   Three dollars per linear foot of road;
      (2)   Eighty cents per linear foot of storm sewer;
      (3)   Eighty cents per linear foot of waterline;
      (4)   One dollar twenty cents per linear foot of sanitary sewer; and
      (5)   Ten cents per gallon of treatment capacity.
   (C)   Final plat.
      (1)   Base filing fee plus: $600; and
      (2)   Per lot or acre (whichever is larger): $65.
   (D)   Amendment to plat. Same charge as preliminary.
   (E)   Preliminary plat extension. $300.
   (F)   Tabling of plat. $300.
(Res. 10-11-2023, passed - -)