(A)   (1)   The town shall make and enforce by-laws and regulations as may be deemed necessary for the safe, economical, and efficient management of the town’s sewage system, pumping stations, and sewage treatment works, for the construction and use of house sewers and connection to the sewage system, and for the regulation, collection, rebating, and refunding of the rates and charges. No free service shall be provided to any user of the wastewater treatment facility.
      (2)   The town is hereby authorized to prohibit dumping of wastes into the town’s sewage system which, in its discretion, are deemed harmful to the operation of the sewage treatment works of the town, or to require methods affecting pretreatment of the wastes to comply with other provisions of this chapter.
   (B)   The Council is hereby further authorized to enter into special rate contracts with users of the sewage works where clearly definable cost to the sewage works can be determined, and special rates shall be based on the costs.
   (C)   The rules and regulations promulgated by the town, after approved by the Town Council shall, among other things, provide for an appeal procedure whereby a user shall have the right to appeal a decision of the administrator of the sewage system and user charge system to the Town Council and that any decision concerning the sewage system or user charges of the Town Council may be appealed to the circuit court of the county under the appeal procedures provided for in I.C. 4-21.5-3.
(Ord. 10, 1997, passed 8-11-1997; Ord. 2009-09, passed 11-16-2009)