Description of Fee | Price |
Description of Fee | Price |
Check for water leaks | One-time courtesy per residence per 24-month period;$35 per each subsequent visit |
Customer deposit | $100 |
Leak indicator assistance | $50 per visit |
New water meter | $50 plus actual cost of meter, to be charged if new meter is installed at customer’s request and old meter is not faulty |
Pull meter at customer’s request | $35 |
Re-install pulled meter | $35 |
Swimming pool fills | $0.05/gallon plus sales tax, and $1.25/mile for fuel and labor |
Tap fee | $1,500 or actual cost of materials and labor, whichever is greater |
Thaw frozen water meter | First time is a courtesy; $100 second visit; $200 each subsequent visit; plus $50 for replacement of any base plate breaks |
Turn off water for repair | One-time courtesy per residence per 24-month period; $35 each additional visit |
Unauthorized water usage | $150 first offense plus estimated water usage $250 subsequent offenses; theft report will be filed with the Police Department for any unauthorized usage |
Water disconnect for non-payment | $75 first offense $150 second offense $300 third and subsequent offenses |
Water disconnect notice fee | $10 |
(Ord. 2018-15, passed 11-19-2018; Ord. 2022-04, passed 9-19-2022)