(a) It is recognized that development in C-1 District anticipates a unique mix of uses for which it is difficult to prescribe, in advance, the required number of parking spaces. Therefore, the appropriate number of parking spaces for a mixed development of recreational, entertainment and hospitality uses shall be established by the Planning Commission during the review of a General Development Plan pursuant to Section 1220.02(c). In making such determinations the Planning Commission shall consider:
(1) Overlapping peak demands;
(2) The length of time that cars are parked on the premises;
(3) The likelihood that the same person may utilize multiple facilities - similar to a shopping center - while the car is parked in one location; and
(4) Historical utilization/demand patterns from similar uses as demonstrated to the Planning Commission by the applicant.
(b) Except as provided herein, the requirements contained in the remaining sections of Chapter 1278 (with the exception of Section 1278.99) shall not apply to mixed use recreational, entertainment, and hospitality development(s). However, if a portion of C-1 property is proposed to be independently developed in a manner and with uses that are not part of a mixed use recreational, entertainment, or hospitality use development, the parking standards otherwise set forth in this Chapter 1278 shall apply.
(Ord. 2012-52. Passed 8-8-12.)