Apartments and Apartment Houses
1276.01   Conditional zoning certificate and resolution of Council required.
1276.02   Apartment house defined.
1276.03   Height limitation.
1276.04   Construction and suite separation.
1276.05   Minimum living area.
1276.06   Front yards; parking facilities.
1276.07   Side yards; storage or parking of vehicles.
1276.08   Rear yards; storage or parking of vehicles; accessory buildings.
1276.09   Group development.
1276.10   Covenant running with the land.
1276.11   Access; open space; proximity of main buildings.
1276.12   Parking facilities.
1276.13   Maximum number of units for multiple-family apartments.
1276.14   Maximum number of bedrooms per apartment.
   Municipal zoning - see Ohio R.C. 713.06 et seq.
   Zoning certificates - see P. & Z. 1262.01 et seq.
   Fees for zoning certificates and conditional zoning certificates for multifamily dwellings - see P. & Z. 1262.05(f)(2)
   Residential Districts - see P. & Z. Ch. 1266
   Nonconforming uses - see P. & Z. Ch. 1274
   Off-street parking and loading - see P. & Z. Ch. 1278