Anyone proposing to keep livestock or farm animals on any property in the City of North College Hill, or to expand such use, shall seek approval from the Building Department which shall determine if the request is in compliance with regulations regarding zoning, construction and permitted placement of enclosures, fences, cages, coops, stables or other structures used in the keeping of livestock or farm animals. If the property is condemned or has existing zoning, building or health code violations, the Building Official shall deny the application for livestock or farm animals.
   (a)   Contents of Application. An application shall be filed for a zoning certificate as identified in Chapter 1125, Enforcement, Certificates and Penalty.
   (b)   Building Permits. A Building Permit shall be required for installation of a fence or for construction of a stable or other structure routinely requiring such permit, except that no Building Permit shall be required for cages or coops that are not permanently attached to the ground or to another structure and do not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in area nor eight (8) feet in height. No Building Permit shall be required for the barrier constituting a required enclosure if such barrier is not permanently attached to the ground and does not exceed three (3) feet in height.
      (Ord. 2-2013. Passed 7-1-13.)