The following uses shall be permitted only if authorized by the Board of Zoning Appeals.
   (a)   Residential: Boarding and lodging houses when located on and having access from a major street.
   (b)   Utility: Public utility buildings necessary to provide adequate service to the area but not including general offices, garages, warehouses or outdoor storage yards.
   (c)   Institutional: Nursing homes, Convalescent Care Facilities and Independent Living Facilities and related uses.
   (d)   Hospitals, but not including hospitals primarily or exclusively for the care of epileptics, drug addicts, the mentally challenged or insane, or for contagious diseases, and nonprofit institutions for the training and rehabilitation of handicapped persons, provided any principal or accessory buildings for such uses are located not less than fifty feet from any other lot in any R-District.
   (d)    Religious Places of Worship.
   (e)   Day Care: State certified day care centers.
   (f)   Funeral Homes: Funeral parlor or undertaking establishment, provided that any principal or accessory building for such uses shall be located not less than twenty-five feet from any other lot in any R-District, and provided fully adequate facilities for the storage and parking of vehicles of the establishment, patrons and visitors are provided on the premises.
   (g)    Medical and Dental Clinics: As defined in Section 1121.15.
   (h)   Retail and Service: Any retail business or service establishment, other than convenience retail, that is not a principal permitted use and is determined by the Board to be of the same general character as one of the principal permitted uses.
   (i)   Parking Lot: Public parking garages or areas which are to be a principal use shall be subject to the provisions of Chapters 1177 and 1179.
   (j)   Museums, art galleries and similar cultural facilities.
   (k)   Motor vehicle service station.
   (l)   Sexually Oriented Business subject to Chapter 1180 of these regulations.
      (Ord. 2-2013. Passed 7-1-13.)