The IPMC is amended and revised in the following respects:
(a) All references to International Existing Building Code, shall be reference to the most current edition of the Ohio Building Code; International Zoning Code shall reference the current North College Hill Zoning Code; the International Fire Code shall reference the most current edition of the Southwest Ohio Fire Safety Council Unified Fire Code; the International Plumbing Code shall reference the most current edition of the Ohio Plumbing Code; the International Mechanical Code shall reference the most current edition of the Ohio Mechanical Code; the International Electrical Code shall reference the most current edition of the National Electrical Code.
(b) Section PM 101.1 Title. Insert on 2nd line: The City of North College Hill.
(c) Section PM 101.3 Intent. Add: Where the provisions of this Code impose a higher standard than that which is set forth in any other ordinance of the Municipality or under the laws of the State, then the standard set forth herein shall prevail. If the provisions of this Code impose a lower standard than that which is set forth in any other ordinance of the Municipality or under the laws of the State, then the higher standard contained in any such ordinance or law shall prevail.
(d) Section PM 103.1 General. Delete Section and Insert: The Code Enforcement Officer whose position was created by Ordinance 6-1994 shall be the code official responsible for enforcing all provisions of the code except for Chapter 7. The provisions of Chapter 7 shall be enforced by the Fire Safety Inspectors under the supervision of the Chief of the Fire Department.
(e) Section PM 103.5 Fees. Delete this section.
(f) Section PM 106.3 Prosecution of violation. Insert: misdemeanor shall be of the third degree. (Reference North College Hill Codified Ordinances Section 501.99.)
(g) Section PM 107.3 Method of service. Insert after #3.
4. By any method permitted by the Ohio Rules of Civil Procedure. Service of notice in the foregoing manner upon the owner’
(h) Section PM 111.1 Application for appeal. Delete: “20 days”. Insert: “10 business days”.
(i) Section PM 111.2 Membership of board. Delete: Section and Add the following: The North College Hill Board of Zoning Appeals shall hear all appeals. The Code Official shall be an ex-officio member but shall have no vote on any matter before the board. Under appeals brought about by regulation of the IPMC to the Board of Zoning Appeals, the Board shall have no requirement to mail or notify abutting property owners of said hearing, except to the owner or agent of the property requesting the appeal.
(j) Section PM 111.2.2 Chairman. Delete this section.
(k) Section PM 111.2.5 Compensation of members. Delete this section.
(l) Section PM 111.3 Notice of meeting. Delete: “20 days”. Insert: “20 calendar days”.
(m) Section PM 111.4 Open hearing. Delete: “not less than two thirds”. Insert: “a majority”.
(n) Section PM 111.4.1 Procedure. Add after last sentence: Reference PM 111.1.
(o) Section PM 111.5 Postponed hearing. Delete: When the full board . . . Insert:
When a quorum . . .
(p) Section PM 302.4 Weeds. Insert: Eight (8) inches.
(q) Section PM 304.14 Insect screens. Insert in the first sentence: June 1 to September 30.
(r) Section PM 307.3.1 Garbage facilities. Delete: current text. Insert: The owner of every dwelling shall supply an approved leak proof, covered, outside garbage container.
(s) Section PM 307.3.2 Containers. Add after the last line:
Said garbage and rubbish container(s) shall be kept or stored to the rear of the dwelling concealed in a permanent structure, or contained within a device designed for the concealment of garbage or rubbish containers, so that said containers are not visible to a passerby. The Code Official shall allow for variances to this section for corner lots or for extenuating circumstances approved by the Code Official. In no circumstances shall the container’s location become a nuisance, by either odor or sight, as determined by the Code Official. Multi-family dwellings containing eight or more dwelling units under single ownership and dwelling units contained in the same building or structure that contains commercial or business establishments shall use container dumpster service for storage and disposal of garbage.
(t) Section PM 602.3 Heat Supply. Insert: September 1 to May 31.
(u) Section PM 602.4. Insert: September 1 to May 31.
(Ord. 9-2005. Passed 4-4-05.)